Posted on Jul 18, 2015
MAJ All Source Intelligence
Over my military career I have only provided evaluation reports when interviewing for a position. As of recently I have heard several request for Soldiers to provide evaluations from their previous unit(s). Just looking for thoughts on comments on this practice.
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Responses: 4
MAJ Intelligence Officer
I have proactively provided prior OERs when I had raters with somewhat immature profiles (as well as prior OERs/NCOERs of SMs I'm rating if their Senior Rater has an immature profile, but only with consent from the SM and only after I've already finished my portion so they know declining won't penalize them). Someone needs to teach Officers with immature profiles and who lack eval writing experience how to develop their profile properly, and how to actually write a rating, and it can't possibly hurt your rating if the person doing that is you. (I also usually provide a narrative for them, which they can choose to adopt or not.)
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
Edited 9 y ago
I think it is awesome! A civilian looking at the incredible selfless service, duty and responsibility exhibited by our Leaders is always a benefit and most certainly will put our Veterans at the top of the hire stack of interviewee files!
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1SG Senior Enlisted Advisor
Edited 9 y ago
I am all for requesting evaluations when looking for someone to fill a critical position. I am completely against being required to provide previous evaluations. If a Service Member is wishing to be considered for a prestigious or critical position they should be willing to provide their evaluations, as many as requested. If they do not wish to provide their previous evaluations then, so be it. I guess they won’t get the Job.

Leadership should not be requesting, nor requiring service members to provide previous evaluations unless it is to consider or recommend the that individual for duty at another position.

Evaluations are a report card of your performance during a specific time period. It is a tool to help develop you, the rated individual, and let you know where you stand based of your performance for promotion. It is utilized as part of the selection for promotion, thus performance and potential ratings.

Your Current leadership does not have a right to demand to see your previous evaluations. It is your right however to show your evaluation to whomever you so choose.
CPT Information Assurance Manager
CPT (Join to see)
3 y
I believe AR 623-3 prohibits asking for evals. Need to review for the verbiage.
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