Posted on Aug 10, 2015
SSgt Crew Chief
When I tell people I'm an MV-22 osprey crew chief I always get the typical response of "I hate flying on that thing." Me personally I love flying on the Osprey, even with the near miss I had flying. But what's everyone's else opinion on the Osprey?
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Responses: 17
Col Kyle Taylor
The problem is that some hate it because it isn't a helicopter. It wasn't meant to be a helicopter. It has had problems, but what new technology hasn't? It has some incredible capabilities that need to be harnessed and used properly.
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CAPT Kevin B.
We had a long standing battle between the Marine BG at Tustin (Rotary) and the Marine Skipper at Yuma (Fixed). I rode with them up to McChord around '80-81, long before the Osprey. They argued the merits of one and the faults of the other. Just as we were on descent, the Fixed Wing Skipper said, I finally figured out how helicopters fly. The Tustin BG had a big smile on his face until the Yuma Skipper finished "They're so ugly, the ground rejects them". I won't go into the retaliation that occurred later that night but it did involve a hooker.

So for many of us who have never flown in one (I'd love to), they're just a bipolar aircraft. It can go either way and that can be upsetting to the purists out there. I've gone down in both types in my career and I can tell you there's a different terror associated with autorotation vs. a belly landing. So get used to it because the future will bring more of this stuff mainstream.
LtCol Pilot HMH/M/L/A
LtCol (Join to see)
9 y
Flew fixed and rotary wing aircraft. Made a believer out of a VERY senior jet jockey I was flying to Pendleton one day. Had engine problems and was able to land (autorotate) safely into a bean field.
CAPT Kevin B.
CAPT Kevin B.
9 y
My autorotation was on a Huey in Antarctica. The big fear was catching a skid and flipping over as that's what kills you. As it turned out we came down on glare ice and kept spinning for a long time. Long enough for everyone to barf out.
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LCDR Deputy Department Head
I think people are jaded by some early "failures" and a misconception. It is overall a very powerful and amazing machine.
LCDR Deputy Department Head
LCDR (Join to see)
9 y
From what I understand there is still some struggling to find it's place in combined operations. It's too slow to keep pace with jets and too fast to pace with helicopters.
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