Posted on Aug 11, 2015
Cpl Dennis F.
Just had a Bull shit wannabe Marine incident at the local Stop n Go
He: Vietnam vet huh?
Me: Nah, I just like the hat.
He: mumbles I was in Danang, Chu li 3rd
Me: You musta been there early, 3rd was up north. Who were you with? Grunt? What was your MOS?
He: What?
Me: Where you a grunt?
He: I was a reaction squad.
Me: Oh you were a Remington raider! Your MOS? Military occupation school?
He: confused and panicked look on his face. I was in Lejeune (he also lists an army base and an AF base) Were you ever in Lejeune.
Me: yeah I was up there about a month ago. You just told me an army and Air force base
He: Mumbles thanks for service and makes a hasty exit.
Check out lady: didn't even know his MOS. I'll turn the cameras off if you want.

Why do these guys do this? They are so easily undone.

(see the hat above) I DO like it!
Posted in these groups: 524395 331088503647420 191451722 n Stolen ValorVietnam service ribbon Vietnam War
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 11
SSgt Terry P.
We have an imposter living in our small town,his neighbor across the street from him is a Vietnam Vet and abhors him.The Vet has had him barred from events where he (in the past) had been speaking and from the American Legion.Here is something i thought you may enjoy,it was made by the Vet and posted in his yard pointing across the street.
SSgt Quality Assurance Evaluator
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
That is hilarious. Wonder how long before the imposter hits the real vets house with a barrage of eggs and toilet paper.
SSgt Terry P.
SSgt Terry P.
>1 y
SSgt (Join to see) - this guy doesn't have that kind of cojones .I should have posted this too.Can you believe this guy has been doing this for years and even joined the American legion and presided over military events.I would have put his whole photo up,but not sure it would be legal. The guy claimed to be a colonel.
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SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
Stumbled across a guy with a 101st hat on.
I mentioned "Currahee!"
He said "What"?
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
>1 y
I ran across a guy at the gas station wearing a Border Patrol hat. He said he stopped at Chaco's for tacos and half the help ran out the back door. The manager was pissed. I thought it was funny.
SSG Paul Forel
SSG Paul Forel
>1 y
I wouldn't have known, either, and I spent a year with the 101st at and around Camp Eagle.

Out of all the units in the 101st, what made you think he was with the 506th?
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
>1 y
SSG Paul Forel That sir, is a good question. He could very well have been in the 1st BDE. The reason I thought he was 3/506 was because of his tale of jumping onto the Cambodian mountain tops to act as security for the 5th SF establishing radar sites. And then there was the part about his records being burned in the St. Louis fire.
But you are correct .. making the assumption that he was 506th was a mistake.
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CPT Chris Loomis
Cpl Dennis Fresch

1. That's the coolest cashier ever!! "I'll turn the cameras off...." LOL!!

2. I have experienced this phenomenon of idiocy. I was at a wedding reception about a year ago when I was approached by a security guard that was working at the event. I was standing in the chow line, wearing short sleeves, and he obviously saw my tattoo (I have "SOLDIER" tattooed on my forearm from wrist to elbow.). When he approached me I saw that he was wearing miniature airborne wings on his left pocket flap. He said something in a dorky tone like, "I'm a Soldier too...." We chatted for a minute and it didn't mesh. I asked him, "Where did you go to jump school? Korea or Benning?" He replied, "Oh, in Korea!"

We chatted for a few minutes as I passed through the chow line and parted. I set my plate down at the table and walked outside to find him.

When I found him I asked if I could have a word alone and we walked of to the side. With a smile on my face I showed him my ID card and told him that there was no "jump school" in Korea that I was aware of. I explained that if he was a former service member I apologized. But, if he wasn't a former service member he should (please) take off the wings he didn't earn and stop telling everybody he was a Soldier because in doing so he was not honoring any Soldier dead or alive. The whole conversation was polite, respectful, and professional. I did so with a smile (which was hard) (it wasn't the time or place to kick anyone in the groin). We then shook hands and I went back to the reception. Nobody's evening was ruined....

About an hour later I saw him again in passing and he had removed the wings. At the end of the night as I left I again shook hands and said thanks for his hard work that night.
LTC Robert Paul
LTC Robert Paul
>1 y
Well done.
Cpl Dennis F.
Cpl Dennis F.
>1 y
CPT Chris Loomis I agree, well done.....definitely not the time or place for a serious confrontation.
The cashier is the owner, we have become friends over the years, I did not take up her offer. Sometimes the juice really is not worth the squeeze.
SSgt Terry P.
SSgt Terry P.
>1 y
The way you handle the situation says a lot for our new generation of officers.I salute you.Lieutenant .
SSG Paul Forel
SSG Paul Forel
>1 y
You're a better man than me, Gunga Din.
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