Posted on Aug 12, 2015
CPT Military Police
The words "In God We Trust" have been used on our currency since 1864 and was adopted as the official motto of the United States in 1956. Recently Police departments in several states have opted to put this slogan on their patrol cars, citing the numerous times the statement has been held as constitutional by the courts. Some disagree with it's use and express objections to it being used. In the areas where placing it on Patrol cars has happened it is being discussed as being inappropriate. All around us we see the growing movement to remove any reference to God from government property, in Wauwatosa Wisconsin the "Christian Cross" was replaced on their city seal, the city of Zion, IL has done the same thing, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ordered the removal of the 10 Commandments monument from the state capitol, is this trend going to continue to grow until these words are removed from our monies?

The words "In God We Trust" originated from the song, The Star Spangled Banner, it is there we find the words, "And this be our motto: "In God We Trust"" The words "In God We Trust" provide for me a certain amount of solace and are a source of pride in my Nation and Government. When I sing the Star Spangled Banner have at times been moved to tears thinking about the men who fought and lived to see "those broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight. O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming." We live in a imperfect world and no matter what is decided someone will be unhappy. I feel public recognition of God is important, to me it's not about a specific religion, it's about our national heritage.
Posted in these groups: World religions 2 ReligionImgres ConstitutionSistine chapel image of god God
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 83
A1C Cyber Systems Operations
I am an Atheist, and have never been offended by the words "in god we trust" or any usage of God in government. Yes, I get a little uncomfortable during award ceremonies when we start off with a prayer, but that is part of our freedom of religion. I am not being forced to pray, I just sit silent and wait for it to finish. Same goes with the pledge and the stickers on the police cars. They mean a lot to those who believe, and are just words on a car or a piece of currency. it shouldn't be more than that and people need to stop living like the only thing that matters is their feelings, and other peoples beliefs should come behind the fews feelings.
SSG Avenger Crew Member
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Well said young man! Very classy!
SSG Audwin Scott
SSG Audwin Scott
>1 y
A1C Santy, I can truly respect your beliefs and very good post. I have had the opportunity to Lead (2) Atheist in my life and we respected each other's beliefs and I never forced my beliefs upon them. Thank you for your comment.
SSG Audwin Scott
SSG Audwin Scott
>1 y
SGT Michael DeLaGarza - You are absolutely correct. Religion was formed by man to benefit and fit their own comfort.
SFC Greg Bruorton
SFC Greg Bruorton
>1 y
SSG Audwin Scott - I don't totally agree with your assessment. In my belief, the original tenets of religion were given to Adam and Eve by the Father and the Son and for a while it was untainted. The practice of a moral religion or tenets of natural law are a benefit to man, but through the many centuries that followed, dogma and doctrine were changed erroneously or on purpose to suit the scribes and royalty of the times.

The worship of God was for the express purpose of teaching obedience to the commandments and ordinances that were passed down through divine revelation and thereby to impress upon man that we are all children of God and must live in love and harmony. The final result of religious practice is to eventually return to the presence of God Himself in the next life after the Resurrection of man that was provided by Jesus Christ.
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SFC Mark Merino
LTC Thelma Carnes Rowe
LTC Thelma Carnes Rowe
9 y
SFC Mark Merino. BLUF. This and always will be people offended by something. That's isnt the point. The point is if it is appropriate or not to have specific words this country was founded on be removed. The answer is no, it should not be removed and is inappropriate for them to be removed. It doesn't matter if it offends anyone or not for its about our four father and the foundation of our country. That is what make me proud to serve as i am sure it makes more how do or have served. Think about the impact it would have on the generations behind us, would they know and understand the foundation of the country, or would it be lost. Who cares who it offends!
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
9 y
LTC Thelma Carnes Rowe I'm not understanding our communication with each other. Are we agreeing or disagreeing? I posted a picture stating that 2015 is the year the media spent on creating incredible drama and plunged our nation into a completely divided camp. They fueled the fires of racism by showing one sided accounts, and portraying anyone who differs in opinion as some sort of racist/enemy/opposition. I believe there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with "In God We Trust", but now even that is coming under fire. How am I being offensive?
LTC Thelma Carnes Rowe
LTC Thelma Carnes Rowe
9 y
SFC Mark Merino, you posted a pic stating "2015 The year America was offened by absolutely everything" which can be taken in many ways. It can be taken as America is offended by everything these days as before they weren't. The miscommunication is if they are being offend by the words "In God We Trust" exist or being removed. I think a lot of comments on this post are being misunderstood, communicated, or in left field. It doesn't matter who is offended and/or why. It is inappropriate to have the words "In God We Trust" removed. It's not about me being offended either way, it's about what is right. I believe we are on the same team! LOL
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Kelli Mays
9 y
Personally I think her boss was a real asshole and had it in for her.
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CW3 Standardization Officer
I think it should be left, as it is a staple of the foundation of our country. Of course this goes along with thoughts of perhaps recognizing Christianity as a national religion or religious belief. Not to discriminate, but to protect the moral foundations upon which our country was founded. It is argued that we are so worried about offending the vocal minority we are losing our identity as a nation.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
9 y
SGT(P) Secorah Arbuckle - you are aware that as an Atheist your are displaying those traits that the Jewish man called Jesus taught. So that means that you are a practitioner of the lessons of the man called Jesus.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
9 y
SGT Secorah Arbuckle - see you have one again repeated the simple lesson of being nice to all based on being nice with out expecting payment.
SGT Project Engineer
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
SGT(P) Secorah Arbuckle - indeed. I realize you didn't make the pic but it fits well.
CW3 Standardization Officer
CW3 (Join to see)
9 y
SGT(P) Secorah Arbuckle - Thank you for your comments. I respect your stance on this issue but do not think your graphic necessarily applies to the moral foundation I was referring too. It is a nice thought though and one would hope that empathy would be enough, but unfortunately history has shown us time and time again it will never be. As humans we are inherently flawed, as such we struggle with our own definitions of right and wrong. Religion, specifically Christianity in the case of our country, has given us moral guidelines and helped establish past and present acceptable social norms regarding behavior and human interaction. Many of the laws of our past and present were also developed with influence from religious teachings/values.

Personally, I don't make decisions with a fear of being struck down by lightening or anything, I do so based on my own set of values and morals coupled with my past experiences (trial and error, consequences, and knowledge). Those values and morals are based largely on those socially acceptable norms and the way I was raised. Recognition of this saying as a huge part of our nation’s history and the value it has offered our society is all I think displaying the saying does. I am for freedom for all, but cannot be an advocate for attempting to erase our history so we don’t offend anyone (I share your sentiments of not being offended one way or another). As CPT (Join to see) pointed out in the original post, this statement has been held to be constitutional, as long as it is not being used to offend what does it hurt. I also dislike hearing about removal of other symbols in the original post. Regardless of how we grow and change as a nation, these symbols were important parts of our past and were never meant to be derogatory toward anyone. Remembering where we come from and how we got here is important so we don’t repeat the mistakes of our past.

All this is my humble opinion, I appreciate the response to my post.
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