Posted on Aug 12, 2015
COL Ted Mc
From "The Jerusalem Post"

Jeb Bush: Hillary Clinton shares blame for rise of ISIS

WASHINGTON - Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Tuesday attacked Democrat Hillary Clinton for her handling of Iraq as secretary of state, saying she must share the blame for the rise of Islamic State militants, in a prelude to a potential general election matchup in 2016.

Iraq is a tricky topic for Bush, given the dismay many Americans still feel over the rationale for the US-led invasion of Iraq ordered by his brother, former President George W. Bush, in 2003.

Mindful of those concerns, Jeb Bush used the bulk of a speech at the Ronald Reagan presidential library not to dwell on the past but to sketch out a future path for the United States in the region that is more muscular than what he called President Barack Obama's "minimalist approach of incremental escalation."

He said he would deploy some US forces in Iraq as forward "spotters" to help identify enemy targets, a step President Barack Obama has resisted out of concern that it could deepen American involvement in Iraq and Syria.

Bush said he would be willing to consider a small increase in US troops beyond those already there and embed some US forces with Iraqi units as Canadian forces are doing.

EDITORIAL COMMENT:- There does seem to be a bit of history re-writing going on here - I can't quite see how either Mr. Obama or Ms. Clinton could "undo" what Mr. Bush (GW) had already done when neither Ms. Clinton nor Mr. Obama actually had any negotiating leverage left.

But REALLY "Jeb" taking the line that "The US should do what the Canadians are doing." simply isn't acceptable.
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Responses: 1
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Bush blames Clinton.
Obama Blames Bush.
Trump blames Obama.
My head hurts.

Having said that, I would be interested to hear what Mrs Clinton would have to say about her actions and inactions as the Iraq War was wound down and the post-war relationship negotiated by members of her team. There can be little doubt that the US position and terms were directed from the highest levels of the administration, and the result as events unfolded and were ongoing are pretty damning. Governor Bush would be wise to choose another avenue of attack, although his deflections to Mrs Clinton works well in the media. He was not in the Oval Office; his brother was. He will repudiate his brother directly, although there are many who would love to hear that.
Rather than who should be to blame, I would love to hear what everyone running for office thinks we should do next. That would inform my vote far more than finger pointing. I have already made up my mind on people's past conduct; what they do next is what I want to know most.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
1SG (Join to see) - Sergeant; Are you actually suggesting that people running for office actually tell the people who might be voting for them what they are going to DO rather than what they PLAN on doing?

If so, please FedEx me a couple of cartons of those funny cigarettes you are smoking.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
9 y
Colonel, making assumptions about someones alleged use of an illicit drug is unfounded and unprofessional.

Edit, if you can't accept someone's opinion, it's you that has a problem.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
Actually sir, I really WOULD like candidates for office to outline a plan of action as opposed to grandiose statements about "creating jobs" or "making America great again." After a long desert of amateur hour (more than one administration's worth), it is about time we put someone in office that has a clue on how the world works and a plan to interact with it.
That would be refreshing indeed, COL Ted Mc.
I am a bit vexed that you believe that distinction would require the use of mind-altering substances.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
9 y
1SG (Join to see) - First Sergeant; My apologies, I wasn't quite as clear as I wanted to be.

What I meant was "If you believe that people running for office would actually tell the people who might be voting for them what they are going to DO rather than what they PLAN on doing then would you please send me some of those funny cigarettes.

I trust that we would all LIKE them to do that, but very few of us (outside of the residents of "The Home") actually believe that there is any substantial likelihood of them doing it.

Again, my apologies.
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