Posted on Aug 18, 2015
CW3 Eric W. S.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I pose a point to you.

According to US Code, Title 18, Chapter 33 - § 700. Titled Desecration of the flag of the United States; (a)(1), “Whoever knowingly mutilates, defaces, physically defiles, burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or tramples upon any flag of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.”

What will it take to have our elected officials and law enforcement officials actually enforce this?
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Responses: 8
COL Jean (John) F. B.
CW3 Eric W. S. - It really has no meaning anymore, since the Supreme Court decided it was unconstitutional, as it restricted a person's right to free speech.

Just yet another BS Supreme Court decision, like ObamaCare and Gay Marriages.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
9 y
SFC Michael Hasbun - Absolutely... Nobody has said it was not an illegal act.
SSgt Quality Assurance Evaluator
SSgt (Join to see)
9 y
Wait, burning the gay pride was deemed illegal, but burning the US Flag is not? How does this even make sense? They need to pick a side and stick to it. Either its illegal, or its freedom of speech.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
9 y
CPT Shahriar C. - First, I am not at all interested in beating this dead horse. These will be my last comments about it (with you).

The cartoons were drawn in private and then published. They were not drawn in a public place with the intent of causing someone to kicjpk the cartoonists' asses.

The issue is intent .. Burning an American flag in public clearly has the intent of causing trouble. That should be illegal, regardless of the right to free speech. I see it the same as communicating a threat. It is not the words (or actions) but the intent of those words/actions. if I was in charge of the police at such an event, I would prohibit it because of the likelihood it would lead to violence. If the individuak(s) refused to comply, I would use the necessary force to stop it and arrest anybody who interfered with my duties. I would then defend my actions in whatever venue necessary.
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CW4 Brigade Maintenance Technician
CW3 Eric W. S., hey Battle, it doesn't mean anything to the ungrateful so-called Americans who don't have common sense and respect for the symbol of our great nation and everything that it stands for. As for enforcement, that might be tricky. In my opinion, it shouldn't be hard to enforce, but I've seen worse things go un-punished too.
CW3 Eric W. S.
CW3 Eric W. S.
9 y
It should not be tricky, there are hundreds of videos on YouTube of people stomping the flag, there are countless individuals on Facebook burning it as well. All it takes is someone to stand up for the rights of the American citizen and quit cowering down to special interest groups and the fringe minority that wish to disgrace the flag that every service member has served under and which every American pledges allegiance to...
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PO2 Corey Ferretti
You can blame the Supreme Court who ruled it was free speech to be able do do all that is listed. What is funny to me most of the ignorant people who step on the Flag and descrate it for there protest saying this is not their country. Love using the Constitution and our laws to protect them.
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