Posted on Apr 10, 2014
SGT First Officer
Ladies and gentlemen, it appears the jury is out. We are all warfighters, combatants, and called to kill if necessary. I d like people to weigh in on this one as it is a delicate situation, and see if we can t brainstorm an idea that will de escalate the situation. 

Mark my words-one shot is all it will take to get this tinderbox up in flames, and as far as a lot of people are concerned, its already been fired with the BLM Officer tazing one of the protestors, who is one of Mr Bundy's sons. 

War cries such as Molon Aabe, and Don't Tread on Me will be the beckoning call for anacharists, sadists, murders and perverts to have an excuse for them to empty a magazine at the man.

What can be done about this?Please feel free to present options and opinions on this issue.

While I think the website is a little radical, watch the video-there are people that believe that this is the Second American Revolution. 

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Responses: 3
SPC Charles Brown
I have posted questions about the government over-reaching and slowly, almost imperceptibly taking away our first and second amendment rights. This is just another way for the government to step on its citizens. Benjamin Franklin once said "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety." Samuel Adams said "If ever the time should come, when vain & aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our Country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots to prevent its Ruin." Another quote that I believe is relevant to this discussion comes from Thomas Jefferson "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants." The question now becomes, is this the time to refresh the tree of liberty? This is my opinion, and I expect to get slammed for these words, but that is the chance I take every time I respond to a question such as this.
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CW2 Joseph Evans
Feds need to put this rabid dog down. He's been breaking the law for over 20 years. For that matter, they can put down any of the "patriots" that rally to his side. This is not a Ruby Ridge case of DEA or ATF entrapment. This is BLM putting up with 20 years of this jackass's BS.
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
10 y

At 1000 head of cattle a year, the estimate for for pasture and winter range is $450 a year. At $50,000 a year, he is getting off easy since comparative costs for a rancher without access to BLM range land is going to run $450,000.

The following site goes into the legal details regarding the rights of the Feds vs the states.

The Nevada constitution states “Third. That the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare, that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States; …..” Clearly ceding the right of the "state" lands to Federal management when it ratified the state constitution in 1864... Making the 10th Amendment a moot point.

I have no doubt that the spin doctors on both sides are working this hard since it plays into the whole rule of law vs. law of rule argument that has become the mainstay of American politics since we started regulating things that get people killed, injured, sick, or destitute through no fault of their own. There is misinformation flying from the right and the left, and clever truths hide insidious lies. There are rallying cries that Americans need to heed, but the defense of an over-privileged elitist with a sense of entitlement is probably not it.
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
10 y
Furthermore, the Enclave clause is specific about the codes and laws that are enforceable on given land. For example, on Federal Laws apply on Fort Bragg. BLM land is federal, but because it does not fall under "Special Maritime and Territorial Jurisdiction of the United States" must allow the laws of the state in question to co-exist along side the federal statutes. So, a murder on BLM land can be prosecuted by either state or federal law enforcement, where as a murder on Ft Bragg could only be prosecuted through federal channels since the state laws do not apply on military installations... It does not prevent the Feds from owning and/or managing the land...
SPC Charles Brown
SPC Charles Brown
10 y
So Chief Evans, I see that you are trying to eliminate one of our Bill of rights. This to me is a follow the company lie, err excuse me, line attitude. If the man and his predecessors have worked that piece of land since before the BLM even existed it smacks of land grabbing, and cattle rustling to me. And last time I checked even these two were still against the law. And to quote Richard Nixon "No one is above the law" not even the government. So in my opinion the government is once again over-reaching its authority. Slam me if you will, but this is what I believe. I also tend to believe in the Native American ideal that no man can "own" land as it belongs to all men as it was created by the Great Spirit and therefore free to or for all.
CW2 Joseph Evans
CW2 Joseph Evans
10 y

   The problem is, you follow all the laws or none of the laws. You can't really pick and choose. If a law is illegal, like an order you have a responsibility to challenge it, but that does not absolve you of the duty to obey the law until such a time as it is overturned or the effects of non-compliance. The BLM is a relatively new agency, before it, the same functions were performed by the US Grazing Service and the General Land Office, whose authority goes back to 1812, well before the Mormons and Bundys settled the west. Bundy's authorized domain is only 160 Acres, the rest belongs to the feds for management as ratified by the state constitution. There is no 10th amendment discrepancy or dispute in my analysis, the state ceded its rights in 1864. Still, you want to run out and stand arm in arm with rebels and law breakers against federal agents, feel free.
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SGT First Officer
I am all for getting this peacefully resolved. No one needs to get slaughtered over this, and it certainly isn't an issue that a revolution as some are calling it to be sparked over. 

I personally do NOT agree with a bunch of armed men coming to meet the Federal agents over this is a smart call in any way shape or form, simply because one shot can make this all go to hell.
PO3 Mark Lyman
PO3 Mark Lyman
10 y
Cpl so your saying that this government hasn't over stepped anything? How bout this garbage with the required health coverage that is suppose to be economical? for who the politicians that don't even have to get it?.... cmon people need to wake up and get rid of this big Government if we don't we will be another country that is destroyed by our government....
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