Posted on Feb 2, 2023
Since I was exposed to agent orange on a daily basis, am I a candidate for agent orange compensation?
Was exposed to agent orange on a daily basis
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 4
There is no such thing as Agent Orange Compensation. There are presumptive diseases That are linked. If you have one of these diseases and can show exposure you will then recieve service connection. (Not necessarily compensation, that depends on the level of illness)
Yes - if you have an ongoing injury or illness that is tied to your Agent Orange exposure. Otherwise, as SP5 Peter Keane stated, no.
The VA does not provide health care or disability compensation for 'exposure' - they only provide those for service connected injuries or illnesses. If you don't have an injury or illness, then enjoy your health!!!! If at a later point you develop something that can be tied back to your service, then at that point the VA will proceed with benefits you're eligible for.
You can reference the VA's page about Agent Orange* to see the full eligibility requirements.
The VA does not provide health care or disability compensation for 'exposure' - they only provide those for service connected injuries or illnesses. If you don't have an injury or illness, then enjoy your health!!!! If at a later point you develop something that can be tied back to your service, then at that point the VA will proceed with benefits you're eligible for.
You can reference the VA's page about Agent Orange* to see the full eligibility requirements.
Agent Orange exposure and VA disability compensation | Veterans Affairs
Agent Orange was a tactical herbicide the U.S. military used to clear leaves and vegetation for military operations mainly during the Vietnam War. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange may have certain related cancers or other illnesses. If you have a health condition caused by exposure to Agent Orange during military service, read this page to find out if you may be eligible for disability compensation and how to apply.
Just like Burn Pits compensation isn't given for exposure. You have to have service connected injuries or illness. Work with your provider if you are having issues with something that is or can be linked to your exposure. Good Luck.
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