Posted on May 16, 2016
Any 74D on Fort Hood within the Cav want to come to 2D Chem? Switch out with me?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 9
CPT John Sheridan
SPC(P) (Join to see) - Congratulations SPC, Soon to be SGT! So, wherever it is that you are deploying to, keep your head down and come home an experienced NCO.
SPC(P) (Join to see)
I'm in fort hood and I will love to go to a chemical unit. In my unit being a 74D is like less than a paper in the parking lot. I was deployed and it was a total waste of time, I couldn't logging in a computer because nobody can't figured it out so literally I didn't have a place at the margen of everything, well I was at ECP by myself most of the time. That was a torture and a mental punishment without any doubts.
SPC(P) (Join to see)
I appreciate the advice SFC Reifel, I'm exercising my whole COC on this. I'm determined to go.
CPT John Sheridan
I don't think that you should worry too much about pissing anyone off. You aren't doing anything wrong and you may be overestimating your CSM's capacity to get angry and hold a grudge. A soldier wanting to deploy is not one of the items that makes his day difficult. Don't do it behind his back though. Just tell him how much it matters to you personally and if necessary, tell him that you would like to go to the BDE CSM's open door. Like others said though, start with your 1SG.
CPT John Sheridan
Another thought. If you know someone in III Corps Chemical or 1st Cav Chemical or know someone that does, that may be a good back channel that can broker an exchange. Again, be open about what you are doing and no one will have reason to get pissed off.
Yep I did that battalion for 3 years. I spent all my career in combat units. Infantry and tank units. Then went to second Chem. It was such a change. The NCO's we not like any NCO's I'd ever worked with as a leader. I was in your shoes and wanted back into combat units. And a lucky few may get the call. All you can do is ride it out. Don't forget what you've learned from the rest of your army career because it will be that much harder to fit back into the combat teams.
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