Posted on May 11, 2015
Any advice or tips for prepping for MWD school?
I'm in my window to submit for lateral retrain right now, waiting for FY16 numbers to be released to apply for MWD school. I've been talking to and working with the handlers at my base and they've been helpful, but do any handlers here have tips/advice for someone interested and trying to go K9?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Getting wrap certified is a good thing. It let you know if your ready or not. Catching MWDs is a big part of the program. Learn as much as you can from the handlers on base. Try to work at the kennels as kennel staff before going to the school house. You don't need a letter anymore but it does help. Get ready for long deployments and if your married keep your spouse in the loop. I did it for ten years and loved every minute of it. Actually I miss it since retiring. Not easy going straight into K9 on the outside world.
A lot of the handlers at Lackland have mentioned to get a wrap or bite certification as well as completing a certain amount of hours at the kennels to get "recommended." I have also recommended to my Airmen who are contemplating cross-training into K9 to get a letter of recommendation from their SMSgt to get their foot in the door.
Good luck!
Good luck!
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