Posted on Aug 11, 2017
SrA Aerospace Medical Technician
I'm 16 days away from my terminal leave start day and my NCOIC suddenly decides I can't have my final out on Friday if my terminal leave can't start until Sunday. Anyone know if there is an afi stating whether or not you can/can't have a day in between final out and the start of terminal leave? Please be specific if possible. Thank you!
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Responses: 4
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
Edited 7 y ago
Closest thing I can find, 36-3003.

I think your NCOIC is confusing terminal leave with standard leave policy (a duty day has to separate concurrent leaves). Besides, your Final Out day is a duty day. Like, seriously, your outprocessing is your duty on that day, you don't report to your section. If that's a Friday, so be it. It's not like you're going to be slacking off that day, you're going to be running your ass off around base, between MDG, MPF, Finance, Travel, etc. Honestly, I'd go take it up with your OIC and/or Shirt.
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
7 y
SrA (Join to see) - You're very welcome, and I hope that it helps you out. Best of luck in your transition back to civilian life!
SMSgt Thor Merich
SMSgt Thor Merich
7 y
The SSgt provided you with sound advice. Worst case scenario, go the shirt.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
7 y
SSgt Ryan Sylvester - asking purely for edification only... I understand that the Airman's unit is on some shift schedule and operating 7 days a week. But is the rest of the JBSA world operating 7 days a week? The Army final out is an installation function (M-F, closedholidays), your unit is done with you and you are going to Finance to wait in your second to last three hour line with your clearing documents, then to your last three hour line to get issued your expiring ID. Is someone opening up Finance and the personnel offices to do a Saturday final out in the Air Force? I understand that she would not be able to sign out on leave until Sunday (her start of terminal leave).
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
SSgt Ryan Sylvester
7 y
LTC Jason Mackay - That's pretty much how it's supposed to work. Because all the checklist requirements are with offices that carry standard business hours, you pretty much have to be on a standard schedule to accomplish that checklist... which is more than a requirement, really, since you can't separate without it. Of course, in practice, it depends on your duty section... I remember during my last week, I was in the shop for several issues that required my expertise, though I made sure I was imparting that knowledge to the floor rotation so that knowledge wouldn't be lost when I left. How much of it stuck, though, well... let's just say that I was called up frequently to resolve the same issues numerous times by the same people and no matter how many times I tried to train them, never seemed to make a dent in that shift's capabilities.

Anyway, that's why the AFI is worded how it is, and gives a specific example regarding leave following the member's Final Out and specifically addresses the Friday issue. The wording itself covers Final Outs that fall during the week... for example, when Terminal Leave starts on Thursday, a member would be authorized to Final Out on Wednesday, not Tuesday.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Normally, a losing unit would have you report on Saturday via phone or in person, depending on the situation, and then see you on your way.
Alternatively, the Commander might grant a day of permissive TDY to bridge the gap.
Were it me and you were in the area, I would take a few hours to check in with you, see you off, maybe move a box or two and share a pint, and tell the commander you were helping me move some supplies around.

Good luck when you get out.
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SGM Erik Marquez
I do not know AFI's, but I do know military service... And unit reporting..You are going to be in one status or another
Present for duty (the day you final out) or not present for duty and on leave.
I doubt the system will allow you to be in "limbo" for a day in between.
You had an out processing appointment yes? If so, they should have walked though your last days, terminal leave< final out<out processing days<day to report to receive clearing papers (if the AF does that) Those are the subject matter experts, they do this every day, dozens of times a day.. go see your out processing specialists
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
7 y
SGM Erik Marquez the final out is an administrative installation function how does it impact your duty status? It is usually done on the last normal duty day before your terminal starts. Example: I final outed on a Thursday because the 4th ID had a training holiday that Friday. I started my terminal leave on Sunday. I was in the local area on Friday and Saturday, just like if it were any other long weekend. I reported to staff Duty that Sunday, signed out, got my copies, and left.

I agree with you that she should check for the local policy/SOP. There is something missing here from the story.
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