Posted on Mar 22, 2014
Are there clear parrallels to the late 1930's and the Russian moves in Ukraine?
As an advocate of military history i found alarming similarities to SOME degree with Nazi moves just prior to WWII. Granted it is a little early to see future moves, but looking for opinions on this "theoretical" idea
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 3
Putin's next stop, the Baltic's. My question is, what will NATO's response be when he makes his move? I'm truly convinced it is a matter of not if, but when Putin makes his move in the Baltics. Its geography.
OK...I posted this a few weeks ago...guess what??....mainstream media is just NOW starting to take this same angle.....and I am even more convinced now that Putin is running the mid to late 1930's Nazi playbook. Whats worse????....the "allies" ie U.S. and E.U. are following in the same path they did back then....and Putin knows it.....this post SHOULD have gotten more attention and comments then it did. Why are people afraid to discuss the serious issues yet we worry about tattoos and haircuts?
Both instances involve nationalist/racial auspices but I believe they hold a very distinct and telling difference in what type of empires both players sought/are seeking. Hitlers early moves in annexing German speaking peoples were purely expansionist in creating a vision for the 3rd Reich-- you can't be a German empire without all the Germanic people living in it. Putin, conversely, while on the record pining for the precipitation of a new soviet block, is far more "energy driven." Having based almost all of his energy on developing Russia's energy sector (at the expense of what could have been an internationally competitive tech/scientific industry), there's too much riding on keeping Europe's dependence on the pipeline's running through the region to NOT make these moves. By effectively giving up access to the largest friendly warm-water port at his disposable, Putin would have been dooming his ability to export large quantities of oil from the Black Sea if he had let Sevastopol fall into Western hands. That's my take anyway.
SGT (Join to see)
25 days later and now Putin has moved on Eastern Ukraine...not disagreeing with your response from 25 days ago...but wondering if you see things differently now or are still affixed to the idea hes only making limited moves?
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