Posted on Aug 23, 2020
SGT Rifleman
I am a MEPS Solider and recently received orders to Colorado. While being here at the replacement center, My Wife has received orders to Washington State. I am looking for options to be relocated to Washington if possible. I am a prior service Marine so I'm trying to become familiar with the Army policies and orders on the fly.
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Responses: 4
SSG Watis Ekthuvapranee
Request for joint-domicile station. There is 2ID is located in Washington States. Volunteer for infantry unit there should get PersCom attention. Unlike the Hydra-- Marine-Navy, the Army is strictly on land. Very little to do with the Navy or Marine. The only time we do that is when we ship our armored vehicles in by sea. And that only a few people get to go on the boat to maintain our vehicles; otherwise we have nothing to do with them. But then again, nowadays you can station where there is a joint base, like MacDill AFB is now MacDill JB. Nonetheless, it's still depending on your MOS on that base. If there is none, then SOL and you will have to get the nearest base the Army has. Your wife can also request the same thing.

So, put in DA 4187 Request Joint Domicile to WA and attach your wife's order and married certificate along with the 4187 (some clerk or SFC/SSG in PersCom don't like to read or move away from desk due to lots of papers. So, help them make life a little easier and do the work for them making things move faster.

Gluck. (GE for good luck).
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
Short answer is that when it’s time for you to reenlist you will want your branch manager to contact her assignment detailer to arrange your next duty station together. Unfortunately you’re going to be stationed away from each other for 2-3 years
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MAJ Military Personnel And Administrative Specialist
The Army’s co-location policy is called the Married Army Couples Program (MACP). MACP does not cross service branches.

Navy Personnel Command revised dual military couple detailing rules after Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus called for better flexibility. The policy signed March 12, 2016 is outlined in the Military Personnel Manual article 1300-1000.

The Army won't be much help as a whole, but you could try to switch assignments with someone or ask your branch manager at HRC if there are any vacancies at JBLM.

There are not many locations that host Navy and Army. Plan to have a long distance relationship.
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