Posted on Mar 7, 2015
SP5 Andy G.
Screen shot 2015 03 07 at 3.40.17 pm
When will the insanity end?

When will leaders of civilized society learn that political correctness is NOT the way to remain a political leader. Such nonsense is jeopardizing their own societies - juxtaposed to their fundamental obligations and responsibilities.

TODAY - Boko Haram formally pledged allegiance to ISIS!



Chicago Sun Times:

Nothing from MSNBC, CNN, or NY Times? Perhaps they still believe the Holocaust is a lie?

A "lone wolf" (who happened to be Muslim) commits an act to terror - is merely referred to as an isolated violent individual.

When ISIS swells its "military" ranks to over 30,000 (the size of a US Military Division), and growing at an estimated 1,000 / week, it will reach the size of a US Military Corps within this year. The 30,000 are ideologically committed to one cause - Jihad against all infidels.

When Boko Haram (member strength of 7,000 - 10,000) pledges allegiance (its Muslim ideologies) to ISIS, we have an axis alliance bent on destroying mankind.

if the twisted mission of World leaders (US included) is to create the next generation of great generals of WWIII, ignoring realities puts us well on the way.

This radical (certainly not isolated lone-wolf) Ideology will burn up 10s of thousands of innocents, thousands of dedicated military personnel, billions in material, and shake Global economies for a generation.

"Leave it to Beaver "no longer exists.
Posted in these groups: Islam logo IslamIsis logo ISISA9a12289 Boko Haram
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 4
SSG Executive Officer
is that guy wearing mucker boots?
SP5 Andy G.
SP5 Andy G.
10 y
"Congress" didn't appropriate enough money.

All joking aside ---

But not to be underestimated - these 10,000 "troops" they have sharp machetes, plenty of gasoline, and very potent RPGs. And they create 200,000 refugees when they decimate a city.
Capt Cyber Systems Operations
Capt (Join to see)
10 y
SSG (Join to see) I clicked on this post for the soul purpose of making a joke about the boots. Damn you. LOL.
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
Edited 10 y ago
Feel the need to share this. One bunch of blood thirsty morons joins another bunch of no class, no brains religious zealots. That's news? These guys are all vicious mental midgets that don't even have enough brain power between them to get a Chihuahua to lift his leg on a tree. Some one expected better? I usually don't feel the need to use violence as a solution but some people are so perverted that reintegration into human society isn't worth the effort.
SP5 Andy G.
SP5 Andy G.
10 y
Michael - Correct.

Indeed this is not news, or news many would prefer to ignore (perhaps the reason some media do not consider it newsworthy).

Nor is the fact that civilized society continues to put their heads in the sand, thinking this will "all go away".

It didn't in 1941, it did't in 1917, and it won't now ... without a huge price being paid by society.

And one wonders why aliens are studying humanity?
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MAJ Strategic Plans And Training Officer
eh... he is wearing mud boots
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