Posted on Jul 12, 2018
Can a "supervisor" of an APFT also serve as the "scorer" of an APFT?
21-20 clearly states "a supervisor WILL NOT be a scorer" and 7-22 says "a supervisor WILL NOT be a scorer"; however 7-22 only specifically says this in the sections on "alternate events". It never specifically states a supervisor "WILL NOT" be a scorer during a regular APFT. Im in a small SOF unit. Guys are playing it fast as loose here with regs. Recently a APFT was conducted where the supervisor acted as a scorer for everyone but himself. Im wondering if this is legal or if it has to stop?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
Short answer, No. With the 4 person minimum the NCOIC, Supervisor, Scorer and other person to hold feet there should not be an issue. If the other person holding the feet is another participant than so be it but the 4 person "rule" still applies and there should not be a double up of any responsibility. That is how I would interpret.
Is the APFT being graded fairly for everyone? If so, I wouldn't sweat it. What's more important, an accurate APFT being conducted or that the regs were followed to the letter?
In small units it is difficult to give everyone just one additional duty. Some guys just need to be double hatted. If things aren’t being done right or fair then maybe the solution is to consolidate elements so the supervisor isn’t grading. I would keep away from situations like you described because people will question the integrity of the test.
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