Posted on Sep 5, 2014
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
Em chap
I guess for myself, it was that my dad was gone a lot and from time to time my mother got upset with a neighbor to the point of tears. But the constant moves and not being a part of anything can feel lonely.

When we came to our home town our family went back to the 1790s and where most were lain, was in honor of our families, the Ellises, Brinks, etc. My brother has said that he wish that he knew these things in high school. We are related to judges, Justice of the Peace, Mayor, blah blah blah and President Harding. A friend of mine I didn't know was a cousin!

So with this moving, I am grateful my family did what they could for me and helped me a bit acclimate myself with them. I still don't understand but I do remember my sister crying when I went off into the service in Aug. 1974. 40 YEARS AGO!

But please tell us what you feel about these places and the most fun that you ever had at a particular place.
Posted in these groups: Moving services MovingImages PCS
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Responses: 6
SSgt Gregory Guina
SSgt (Join to see) I have been lucky in my career in that I have been stationed on the same base for most of my career. I have PCSd 6 times but it was between to bases (Camp Pendleton and 29 Palms). The past two moves that my family went through were rough on the kids in that they went to 4 different schools in just 14 months. I am lucky that my family has been fairly stable for my career but I think it might have impacted my promotion opportunities.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SSgt Gregory Guina - If you are real young not so bad but for developing young adolescents it can be really bad.....
SSgt Gregory Guina
SSgt Gregory Guina
>1 y
I agree with that until my son came to live with me he was in a new school four straight years in a row. This is on top of moving from house to house and from daycare to daycare. If is kind if ironic that he had to come live with his dad n the military to find stability.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
Don't hear that often enough SSgt Gregory Guina . That's great to hear.
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SFC Mark Merino
Millions wasted on moving every 2-3 years on average for the Army. It seems like the AF did it right by making it 4-5 years. It's lousy on the family, especially the kids, dual incomes, etc. I didn't mind it. I get stir crazy staying put.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Mark Merino Oh and then there is that. Cost!!! Good point.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
Its always about the $$$ SSgt (Join to see) We would have better toys to include our A-10 and Kiowa if we had better management of the budget that we had. We all know of some great troops that couldn't stay active because of how rough it was on the family.
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1stSgt Daryl Allen
I am a military brat (a dependent also). PCS moves were a constant in my life. To show you what I mean this was my moves as a brat: Ardmore AFB, OK, Lansing, MI, Lockbourne AFB, OH, Zaragoza AFB, Spain, FE Warren AFB, WY, Westover AFB. MA, Bruceton, TN (my grandparents home while dad was in Thailand), Barksdale AFB, LA, back to Bruceton, (another and last overseas short for dad). Then it was my turn after graduating AF Basic Training and Technical Training as SP I was sent to Ellsworth AFB, SD, Barksdale AFB, LA, Clear AFS, AK, Barksdale AFB, LA, Camp Bullis, TX as an instructor, Grand Forks AFB, ND, Offutt AFB, NE, Howard AFB, Republic of Panama, then back to Offutt for retirement. My response: lost friends, gained friends and learned a lot about the different cultures in foreign countries plus got to see sites I thought I would never get to see. Loved it as a brat and as a service member. No complaints on mine or the family part either.
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