Posted on Jul 19, 2020
Do both my Husband and I have to enroll in the Macp? I am stationed at Ft Riley and he is in Korea they won’t allow him to do it?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 1
Yes you do, and yes his command will. "They" is a vague term that means no one in particular. Perhaps his leadership has not provided him enough time to take care of this task, but I guarantee that his company commander has not refused to sign his 4187 for MACP.
PFC (Join to see)
Thank you SFC and his S1 and Orderly room keep turning him away because he told him that I did it and they said he does not need to . He told them he would like to do it anyway and they keep trying to talk him out of it .
SFC (Join to see)
PFC (Join to see) it just means that he is speaking to an inexperienced E3 or E4. Have him speak to the NCO or NCOIC. MACP requires both parties to enroll
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