Posted on Jun 21, 2016
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
The 670-1 regulation states that detailed officers will wear the ornamentation colors (sleeve braids, bus driver cap band, shoulder boards) of their basic assigned branch and the collar device insignia of their detailed branch.

However, certain detail branches (Infantry) take great pride in their branch colors. Is it worth following regulation at the expense of derision by Infantrymen?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 9
SSG Carlos Madden
I recommend always following the regulation, especially as a leader. The next time you try to correct one of your soldiers for doing something outside of the regulation because they felt like it, you'll know why.
CPT Battalion Training Officer
I have never seen a Branch Detailed guy wear anything but the branch he is currently in. Following BOLC for your detail branch you are qualified in that branch. I would wear your detail branch until you switch over as a CPT. For example you will be 11A if you detailed infantry until you switch at the Career Course. Don't mix and match.
CSM Information Operations Planner
The nexus of integrity and personal courage is doing what is right even at the risk of derision. It's a hard choice to make in the military, but hopefully all that good officer training has prepared you.

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