Posted on Aug 27, 2016
Do my NCOERs matter now that I have been selected to attend Warrant Officer Candidate School?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
CW2 Christopher Esparza
Seriously, before graduation you sign a DD 214. So effectively your career as an NCO is over.
CW4 (Join to see)
According to Army Directive 2016-26 Chief Warrant Officers being considered for promotion to the next higher rank, (CW3-W5) will have a complete IPERMS records scrub by the CIC, DA, IG and your unit and this includes your restrictive file which your NCOERS and other previous files are currently being filed.
You can do a complete the record just in case you get injured during WOCS. It is not a requirement but rather a recommendation. I did not close out my rated time prior to WOCS and everything worked out fine.
CW2 (Join to see)
That's what I figured, just wanted confirmation. My last NCOER the Commander closed it with Warrant Officer selection narrative, with WO positions.
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