Posted on Mar 15, 2015
SSG Adam Reed
Recent presidents
Of all the 44 Presidents this great country has had, do you think the ones with prior military service have proven to be the best ones? And if you want please name your favorite. Mine. Bush Sr.
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 129
LCpl Motor Vehicle Operator
absolutely , look at the idiot we have now, what a loser.
LCpl Motor Vehicle Operator
LCpl (Join to see)
9 y
he's an Idealogue in every sense of the word. an impractical idealist, theorist, an often blindly partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology which makes him an idiot. Here's an analogy. As a scout leader, he and his troop safely cross a running stream and they make a big deal of and how well they did crossing the stream. They get to a raging river and try and cross. He loses half his troop and they drown, BUT he doesn't see it as a disaster, he only sees it as "a little bump" no problem. He brings up the little stream they crossed and once again they cheer themselves. Only successes are counted, however small and the big problems are ignored. He's an idiot, from Latin idiota ignorant person, from Greek idiōtēs one in a private station, layman, ignorant person, from idios one's own,and he is a dangerous idiot who will sacrifice ANYTHING to get to his blind goal to cheer himself and a legacy.
SGT Army Musician
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
You know, the same could be said about the other side of the political spectrum as well. Every time the republicans don't get what they want they throw a collective hissy fit and threaten to not pass a budget and shut down the government. They worship money, tout their "religion" as a weapon to appease a certain demographic and further their own agenda, and won't make any form or compromise unless their piece of the pie is bigger. Call me crazy, but I don't want people that throw temper tantrums like my 5 year old does, running my government.
LCpl Motor Vehicle Operator
LCpl (Join to see)
9 y
we'll have to agree to disagree. this president is by far the worse when it comes to "hissy" fits. his temper tantrums are legend and you can see when he lost the midterms, he acted as if it didn't happen. NOw I will agree as a response to Obama, the Right pushes back,. What do u expect? Just give the president everything he wants?
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SGT Joshua Michael
I believe presidents who served have a better grasp of what makes this country great and also they understand the importance of the military as well as the difficulties/hardships that come with serving in the military. Obama has never cared for military. He is the 1st president since vietnam to lower the pay percentage in which military receives. Also he is damn near balancing the national budget deficit on military/veterans backs. It's shameful.
Capt Layne Barrack
Capt Layne Barrack
9 y
Sergeant Michael: Thank you for your thoughtful message. I agree that future Presidents should have time in Uniform. However, I take issue with your comments about President Obama. Check your facts, Sergeant. Servicepeople are less than 1% of the entire US Population (Active, Guard, Reserve and Retired). Hardly a population that can sustain a National Budget. Furthermore, ActDu Troops always get a well as us Retired Servicemembers....If you have a problem with Our CIC....just wait and he will be replaced by a person voted properly into the office....Until then.....Respect and salute the office he holds......keep your bearing, Sergeant and lead your troops......Best Regards.....doc in Galveston
SGT Joshua Michael
SGT Joshua Michael
9 y
Ok. Well like you suggested a couple weeks ago, I have checked on many many facts. First off I'm disabled Retired Veteran and I have led men in combat. I'm 11b(Infantry) I was in OIF 2, was wounded twice by direct enemy fire and was awarded 2 purple hearts. Facts that show Obama doesn't care for the military. 1.only 25% of military members support president "Obama" job approval. In George Bush's last year in office, he held a 50% rating among military members. 2. In late February, Obama put together a proposal to cut $12.9 billion from the Tricare System, despite the fact that health care of troops has fallen by 21%. Same proposal forces active duty/ retirees to pay higher Tricare fees in the Administration's plan to cut nearly $500 billion from the Pentagon's budget. 3. Obama's administration plans to cut healt care benefits for active duty/ retired military personnel and their families. While not touching benefits enjoyed by unionized civilian defense workers. Congressional aides suggested this move has intended to force military members into the very controversial Obama Care. 4. Obama just anounced this past week he supports the idea of reducing military retirement pay by 20%. Obama wrote a letter congressional leaders stating he favors the reduction in pay. 5. According to the Center on Budget and policy states 340,000 veterans receive public money for housing and 900 000 veterans live on food stamps. 5000 active duty military use food stamps just to get by.. They served their country and sacrificed greatly but Obama and his administration have made it clear they don't carej about the military or its veterans. There has been a 400% increase in food stamps by active duty military/retired gets since Obama took office. A brand new soldier enters the Army earns $18,194 a year which is well below the national poverty level. 6. Every secretary in each branch of the military has raised concsens about reductions in overall personnel, equipment and training due to reduction in the amount of troops and funds to maintain an effective fighting force .The United states is becoming vulnerable to terrorists attacks and we won't have the proper military force in place to take swift action. These shortcomings by obama and his administration have shown they just don't care for the military. A president that served in the military would at least no the hardships and difficulty of the military. We do deserve raises and there should be no reductions in benefits or pay. We volunteer to do to a foreign country and possibly get killed. Not many jobs in the civilian market where there is a good chance you may die on a daily basis. Oh, btw I would never salute Obama! Besides its a well known fact he doesn't salute anyways. Next time you challenge someone make sure YOU know the facts. Presidents should serve in the military before they qualify to run for office.
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Cpl S 4 Log Data Control Clerk
I personally don't think serving in the military would make someone any stronger or weaker of a leader. I do believe that serving would definitely bring more appreciation for our armed forces. But I dont think it would make them any better or worse than the next guy. I've met some pretty hard core civilians with out an ounce of military experience
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SPC Rob Durling
For the president to fulfill his duties as Commander-in-Chief, absolutely! As our country's chief diplomat, it's debatable. As our chief legislator, trying to deal with Congress, especially if our legislative branch is recalcitrant, I don't see how being a veteran would help. The character of our president would be more important, I should think. Would being a former member in our military determine character? Another debatable premise. Ultimately, I don't think it would matter. Personally I would prefer a president with military experience, but it would depend on the person more than anything else.
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Cpl Scott Clark
Eisenhower, JFK, Bush Sr.
PO1 Joseph Glennon
PO1 Joseph Glennon
>1 y
I have to disagree about President Bush(41). The way he ended Desert Storm (by allowing Saddam to have an armistice) proved to be as disastrous as President Carter's encouraging the Shah of Iran to abdicate the Peacock Throne... as well as President Carter's following actions in letting the former Shah come to the US for medical treatment.
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PO1 Russell Rowe
Yes, for sure. It your talking about the ones in this pic. I would have to say yes to Bush Sr, but all all the past presidents, I would have to go with JFK.
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PO1 Keith Williams
D. Eisenhower,J.Kennedy,G.Bush n--all heroes---Great Presidents. Id say yes!! However. Jimmy Carter is a Vet also!
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WO1 Antonio Borges
Yes. Bush, Sr. is my favorite
PO1 Aaron Baltosser
PO1 Aaron Baltosser
9 y
I appreciate him particularly as well. Being Retired Navy, I may be a bit biased though.
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Capt Richard I P.
Yep. How can you expect someone who never wore the uniform to be as good a CIC as one who has?
Capt Richard I P.
Capt Richard I P.
9 y
SSG Adam Reed A fair point, I guess my point wasn't so much that military service DOES make a president better so much as on average it can't hurt.
SSG Gerhard S.
SSG Gerhard S.
9 y
Capt Richard I P. I could point to President Carter to answer that....
SSgt Al Dutton
SSgt Al Dutton
9 y
I guess it depends on how learned and intelligent that person was. Obama is a waste of oxygen. Had he enlisted in ANY Branch, I think he would have washed out as a complete failure. Just as he has for the past 6.6 years of his feckless destruction of America, and perhaps World safety.
SPC Rob Durling
SPC Rob Durling
9 y
SSG Dutton, I feel you may be putting a wee bit too much blame on our current POTUS in regards to world affairs. We could easily make the argument, as an example, that President Eisenhower didn't do enough to help the French in Vietnam, making the world more dangerous. Sometimes events play out of our control.
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SPC Infantryman
yes they do and they have great leadership abilities they also make great presidents
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