Posted on Mar 15, 2015
SSG Adam Reed
Recent presidents
Of all the 44 Presidents this great country has had, do you think the ones with prior military service have proven to be the best ones? And if you want please name your favorite. Mine. Bush Sr.
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 129
SGT Rick Ash
Yes, they certainly do. Would you want to be in a foxhole with Obama?
CPO James Page
CPO James Page
>1 y
Who knows, he might save your butt.
PO1 Joseph Glennon
PO1 Joseph Glennon
>1 y
CPO James Page - or, if his political career is an accurate model, he might stick something you don't want up your butt, while telling you that it's just climate change; and, that you're going against nature for not accepting the deviation from the norm. Sorry, Chief - our President isn't likely to save any American intentionally.
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SGM Retired
We have had some great Generals as President and I think it's a good thing to have served your country, especially if you are going to lead it. (I'd go so far as to make some form of service a requirement for voting. If you aren't pulling on an oar, you have no right to steer the ship. Service could include volunteering at the local hospital, or teaching in an inner city or rural area.)

But I don't think being a CPT in the National Guard (Bush 2) or a LT the Navy (Kerry) is any kind of qualification to be President.
PO1 Joseph Glennon
PO1 Joseph Glennon
>1 y
Kerry was in position to be a true statesman... problem is (according to several histories of his character), he felt that since his initials were JFK, and he was in the Navy, he deserved to be President.

From some materials on his past, when he returned from Viet Nam, before he went Hanoi Jane on us; he was trying to get started in politics and was told that his military service was detrimental - because of the unpopularity of Viet Nam and of the military, as a whole, during that time. So - that's when he began espousing lies and slander. Saying that everyone in the military he'd ever met was a war criminal (I'm paraphrasing). That's when he threw his medals over the fence at the White House (oh, wait - he later claimed those were somebody else's medals!)...

That's when he committed treason by meeting with the leaders of Viet Nam (in France, if memory serves), without the orders, support, or acceptance of Congress...

Many things can be said about Kerry, but they all point to his political ambition and lack of true character... His job on the swift boats *would be* enough to qualify as service, if only his hubris and ego didn't get in the way!
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
I certainly think that having served in the military gives the president a better understanding to be able to perform his role as Commander-In-Chief. In addition, I think it helps him get the respect from the troops than he would otherwise get if he had not served.

Does serving in the military guarantee his success as president? No One just needs to look at folks like former president Jimmy Carter to see that.

My favorite? Probably Ronald Reagan.
SPC David Hannaman
SPC David Hannaman
9 y
And Ronald Reagan served. Not exactly a stellar career, but there was *some* service.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
9 y
SPC David Hannaman - "Some" service is better than none.
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CPL Jesse Vasconcelos
A Veteran president is such an important require if any. How can you command the greatest and most powerful military in the world and have no experience with none of our Armed Forces. If they can be brave enough to lead our country they should be brave enough to serve like all of us.
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PO2 David Hagwood
I believe the role of Commander-in-Chief should be held by someone with military experience. It's not good for someone to hold that title and not have a clue about what it means to have been in the military. Experience is greater knowledge. You get wisdom from experience. I am willing to make exceptions if the candidate were to show certain traits that they could be receptive enough to learn and be willing to listen to our military leader's advice, make wise tactical decisions, not make political decisions to gain in popularity. A C in C should not play political games with the military.
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SGT Marika Waiters
I have ALWAYS firmly believed that a president should be required to have military experience. I think the discipline and the camaraderie of the military serves itself well in a president. It also affords the President a look into how the military functions so that he/she can appropriately utilize and fund the military and its veterans.
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PO2 Raymond Seward
I'm a firm believer that anyone who wishes to hold a position in our government from Congressman to President should have served in the military, and when I say served in the military I mean active duty not some champagne reserve unit. It seems to me that to many of our politicians have done everything in their power to avoid serving, yet want to hold the position of Commander and Chief or a position such as Congressman, the very ones who determine if we go to war. It bothers me to no end to hear of these draft dodging SOB's running for President. Then again I believe that everyone at the age of 18 should be required to serve a minimum of 2 years in the military, with only 1 exception and that's medical, determined by a military doctor. As for the original question, I do believe that a President who has served in the military does make a better President. Then again if Senator McCain had become President I might have said otherwise. Now there's a veteran who has never met a war he didn't like and every single time something happens in the world, all he ever wants to do is put boots on the ground.
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PO1 Henry Sherrill
OH Hell YES They do.
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
It should be mandatory.
PO3 Robert Gunderson
The way I see it, the military based experience is useful for a president because he has been under "fire" in many ways. He knows how his branch of the service will work out a problem and may have connections still in the military. When it is time for armed conflict I would want a president with this knowledge in the White House, not one who got there because he had a degree from some high and mighty Collage or University, unless it came before or after his time in service or a military acadamy. Still there are some who will question the validity of such training. I think over half of our presidents were in the military in some capacity.
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