Posted on Mar 31, 2018
COL Deputy G2
They are detailed to the Coast Guard, they deploy to combat zones, they serve on Navy ships (Comfort, Mercy), they work on Army post, Army Hospitals, and lead offices in the Defense Health Agency. Can they not get some love? No, as a service they are not part of DOD like the Coast Guard who sometimes is under DoD control. But, I'm sure there is a way RP can verify their contribution to DoD.

If I may add, they receive DOD awards, they are covered under Tricare, VA, and the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, they worked along side the 101st in response to Ebola outbreak in West Africa, they served along side DOD for Hurricane Katrina, as well as all other hurricanes, and national emergencies.
Edited 7 y ago
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Responses: 22
A1C Ian Williams
Edited 7 y ago
Yes, sir COL (Join to see) they are a part of the Uniformed Services and serve their country faithfully.
CW3 Counterintelligence Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
7 y
COL (Join to see) A1C Ian Williams I don't mind them being on here (heck, civilians are on here), but just a point of clarification: They are not a member of the U.S. Armed Forces as you say. The U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps), is one of the seven Uniformed Services of the U.S. Five of those seven are members of the U.S. Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard), and four of those five are members of the Department of Defense (all except the Coast Guard which is obviously under the Department of Homeland Security).
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
7 y
I also follow, I was aware...if I could ever find a way to fix my whole disability thing, as I'd said, I'd love to ne of ise to them as a volunteer, you know? Honestly, I've tried, many, many times, I just detest going to waste, so, any thoughts you might have in that regard, as I'd said, and as I'd been trying to illustrate with the other sites I'd sent in, would obviously be most gratefully appreciated, many thanks....
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Marcus Kesler
As a USPHS officer, I would be very interested in this as well. I have no other prior service, so I registered as civilian rather than claim Navy or Coast Goard.
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
7 y
Believe !e, I kick myself for going the way I did on a daily basis, I assure you...I'm glad I did what I did, I just never got to ne on the clinical side of USAF, every ti!e, I just neat my head against a brick wall, you kmpw? Any thoughts you might offermwoild truly ne most sorely appreciated...I'd seen youre all allpwed warrants, though they've never actually been used, though I know there was thought about it, I also chatted with one of the Ready Reserve physicians who knew our dentist, that physician was also in the NY Guard State Defense Force (SDF) as an O-4 simultaneously as being O-5 with all of you, which I found esp interestingz you knpw?
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
7 y
I just sent a link intomyour forum, I'm fairly certain you were listed, I asked any admin in your group if I could ne included, I clicked the follow link, I dont know if I'm in there yet, however, if you'd ever care to chat further I have numerous research interests in bioengineering, mathematical biophysics, as well as biomathematics, I also trained under an O-6 in USPHS in my field while I was doing rotations, before residency, I'd be really, truly, most gratefipmto chat further and hear much more, many thanks....
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
7 y
Incidentally, do you chat by any chance with others in the USPHS group on the app here at all? I'd seen some were quite high up, I'd be most eager to chat with others as well, if you might possibly know any of them, !any thanks, about that whole volunteering thing, that is, obviously....
CAPT Kevin M. Mc Guinness
CAPT Kevin M. Mc Guinness
>1 y
Capt Daniel Goodman - The PHS Commissioned Corps is a sea service that matured from the Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen in 1798. Its officers hold Naval Rank.
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Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
I don't see why not, COL (Join to see). Tagging some admins to see if they can provide any insight on next steps (if any).
SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" LTC Kevin B. SGM Erik Marquez SSG Chris Erickson COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
7 y
Thanks for shedding some light on the question, LTC Kevin B..
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
7 y
Maj William W. 'Bill' Price - The RP structure could be improved to allow them to stand out better though.
COL Deputy G2
COL (Join to see)
7 y
@LTC Kevin Broom LTC Kevin B. There is no rank or PHS designation. They would have to claim Navy or use old Military tank if they were prior service.
Capt Daniel Goodman
Capt Daniel Goodman
7 y
Yeah, I was always fascinated by that, I gather they went by the old !marine Svc Hosp ranks, of asst surgeon, and so forth...though I've gathered they altered that to conform to regular naval rank insignia...just an observation, of course, though I did read a good deal of historical !material on their ranks, I'd seen Wikipedia pages devoted to that whole topic, from what I can recall..,..
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