Posted on Mar 30, 2017
Maj Marty Hogan
Media bias has been high on my list of pet peeves. We have many on RP that rely on sites that have no accreditation what so ever, but the sources we used to trust....can we?
Posted in these groups: Journalism Journalism51a61e8 Conspiracy Theories
Edited 5 y ago
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Responses: 46
LTC Public Affairs Officer
I'm a Public Affairs Officer and I don't trust/believe the media. Media is business and spins what they need to for their benefit.
SFC Giovanni Bennett
SFC Giovanni Bennett
8 y
Agree as well
SGT Jim Arnold
SGT Jim Arnold
>1 y
I wonder if the fault could/should be laid on academia's front door. Most if not all academia are strong liberal to flat socialist. Very seldom do you really see any conservative points of view and never just the news without some sort of agenda behind the report
SSG Robert "Rob" Wentworth
SSG Robert "Rob" Wentworth
5 y
No stations mentioned, but one Network in particular is totally bias, crooked & is cited continuously for the above.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
5 y
OORAH , LTC(VTS)! There are few I believe.. “ it’s sunny and bright outside! In the Metro area..” No it’s not you idiot , go outside and look above .. geez!
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CPT Jack Durish
Edited 8 y ago
I've answered this question countless times without being asked. Asking it opens you to a long explanation. However, I think I'll cut to the chase this time. Hell, no
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CAPT Kevin B.
Unless you grew up under a rock.... In the '70s, the accuracy of major newspapers and the big 3 TV types was pegged at 14-17% through various studies. The WSJ typically had a higher rating primarily due to the specific topics (business, financial, market, some technology) emphasis. The Vietnam War drove a lot of the change from the '60s. Much of what took it down so low related to what was not being presented. In other words, cherry picking. So my guesstimate with today's heavily biased lens and the rise of "fake news" aka propaganda prominence, the accuracy percentage is likely half or 7%. It's nearing the point where the only factual is "something happened yesterday". The actual "what" is heavily tailored, hence making the "why" an open canvas for ideological pontificating.

If you take a look at the uber types pushing PC stuff, it's all about control of you. It's exactly the Maoist Cultural crap that stomped over people for decades, just repackaged for American, European, or whatever consumption. Think about it. You express an opinion (free speech). Rather than discussed, you're a criminal who improperly caused someone to run off to their safe room on the college campus. You can only redeem yourself by self punishment. All out of Chairman Mao's textbook. Seriously.

First step to recovery? Like AA, acknowledge the problem. Call it what it is. Radical Islamic Terrorism and not workplace violence. Propaganda not fake news. Immigration refusal to assimilate not "we're unwelcoming". Since there's such a gap in defining the "it", I don't expect any productive progress any time soon. That's why I don't spend much time on the next step which would be the defining actual negative impacts. People tend to jump to number 2, decide a broad based number 1 is the problem, and then targets a wider population improperly for their scorn. Signed, Disabled Retired Vet Deplorable. Label, label, label. We must get away from labels.
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
8 y
Great response CAPT Kevin B. and agree. More about advertising dollars as well- what makes people tune in? Sadness and pain or the truth?
CAPT Kevin B.
CAPT Kevin B.
8 y
Marty, the ubers are perfecting the self licking ice cream cone. Bash, label, money comes in. Bash, label, gain control, money comes in. Repeat, repeat......
Sgt Vance Bonds
Sgt Vance Bonds
5 y
Great response
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