Posted on May 18, 2015
Do you believe that an advanced degree (i.e., MBA or Ph.D) will help open more doors?
Where the person is not underemployed or underutilized???
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 17
This is a double edged sword because although doors may open many will say you are over qualified or you dont have the experience is some cases. So with that what do you do. I would say look at the position you are applying for and only give the credetials plus a little to be just slightly over qualified. Bottom line is nobody wants somebody to work for them that may know more or be more qualified for fear of losing there own job. This is just opinion and what I have seen some do to get the job.
Credentials (educational degrees and professional certifications) will help you get a job. Your skills will help you keep it.
Degrees have been cheapened ever since colleges and universities (and pre-college schools) began substituting indoctrination for education. Also, government-backed student loans have also helped make them less meaningful (students tend to work harder for their education when they and their parents have an investment in it).
Skills will never be cheapened.
Degrees have been cheapened ever since colleges and universities (and pre-college schools) began substituting indoctrination for education. Also, government-backed student loans have also helped make them less meaningful (students tend to work harder for their education when they and their parents have an investment in it).
Skills will never be cheapened.
Many times getting the job you want is not what you know but who you know. I've met people with advanced degrees and I'm surprised they can cross the street by themselves, but they have the right paper work to put on the wall. Sometimes job experience will shut the door on you, when some potential employers found out I ran a flight of 147 people they were intimidated and said that I was over qualified and wouldn't be happy in the position. What ya gonna do? LOL
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