Posted on May 4, 2016
COL Sam Russell
DOD directive 1344.10 states:

-A member of the Armed Forces on active duty may: Join a partisan or nonpartisan political club and attend its meetings when NOT in uniform, subject to the restrictions of subparagraph (See DoD Instruction 1334.1 (Reference (c).)

From the article "Racism Within West Point"
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 238
SSG UH-60 Helicopter Repairer
Ok I'm not supporting their actions but the KKK used the flags white males have on their vehicles, Why the blank are they allowed to fly them on Post? Many that fly that fly say it's heritage not hate, BS what heritage for me as a Black man does the flag mean? Honestly I don't care but it's the glag of all White Supremacist groups and KKK should be banned but it's defended to live on after all they done but it's about majority here.
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SPC Rudy Hawkins
Edited >1 y ago
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SSG Robert White
One of the response is that these are kids and they should be forgiven. I on the other hand have a different opinion. They are OFFICERS, not kids. They are supposed to lead by example. And YES, people do make mistakes and we don't want to hold it against them for the rest of their lives, but we do it all the time. If these cadets were to get a BCD or an OTH discharge, it is held against them all their lives (if the take the OTH instead of a Court marshal, the discharge will never be upgraded). Do not try and excuse their actions based on youth. they spent 4 yrs at the Nationsl Premier Military Academy. If they don't know about "political correctness", then they should graduate. A person rises thru the ranks based upon merit, PC and friendships. One mistake as an officer usually ends a career.

Don't let these ladies off. Hold them accountable as you would any enlisted or officer.
Marlene Hessler
Marlene Hessler
>1 y
Society is calling adults kids all the time any more. Our ancestors were adult in the early teens. We have arrested development and call adults in their mid 20s children now.

There will be negative repercussions from not holding these supposed LEADERS accountable for their actions.
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LTC Acquisition Intelligence
Sir, I don't believe these Cadets were making a political statement, and consequently, I don't think they violated the UCMJ. Demographically, the Corps of Cadets is only 14% female, and of that number, a very few are African-American. I don't believe these Cadets worked through four years of challenges to crap it away; I think they are too smart to do that.

I think the key lesson for the Cadets (and the Army, and America) is the power of Social Media, and how you need to be aware of not only what you are doing, and also how your organization and everyone else will perceive it.

(I am not tap-dancing, dodging the issue or crazy...I just don't believe these Cadets were making a BLM or Black-Panther Statement...For what it matters, I am also a conservative officer who worked at USMA for a few years).
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MSgt Art Busch
The fact that this is even a question under consideration proves this is conduct unbecoming-at the least.
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SGT Battalion S2 Intelligence Ncoic
BLUF: If you have a political message, keep it out of uniform.

The answer is unequivocally "Yes." Whatever reason or motivations they had for doing what they did, they still violated UCMJ by making a political statement in uniform, as simple as that. When someone wears a uniform, they cease to speak for themselves as an individual, and instead represent EVERY SINGLE PERSON who is wearing that same uniform.

The public perception does not view them as individuals first, it does not identify them by their name, but by their uniform. Even in the title of this question, the first words that describe the people involved in this actions are "West Point." Whenever a soldier finds themselves on the wrong side of the law, it is always "A Fort Bliss soldier" this, and "A Fort Carson Soldier" that, not "Joe Snuffy." They represent us all.

As the cream of the crop, Officers, most especially those from West Point, must be held to the highest standard. If we allow this sort of blatant defiance of the rules to go unchecked, we accept this as the new standard.
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MAJ Engineer Officer
I believe if anything these cadets are violating the Army's EO policy. The USMA is supposed to be the premier military academy where the best and brightest are educated. This is a poor example of that education of Seniors are showing a lack of discipline.
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Sgt Patrick Carron
This is part of what is wrong with society these days. People pull crap like this, and then play the "I didn't know card" or "That isn't what I meant" kind of crap. These young officers will be sent throughout the world to lead our young men and women (sometimes into combat). We should expect more out of them than this. Do I think that this is a career ending move for them? Not at all. But do they need to be punished? I would state a firm "Yes" to that. With that being said, I hope that these young women have a long and successful career; but next time, please think before you post something!!
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SFC Rollie Hubbard
Yes I do
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SPC Rudy Hawkins
Reading some of the responses have me laughing...What if there was a few white cadets in there with their fist raised ??? Would it still be promoting Black Lives Matter or because they are all Black, it means it does. When I graduated from my Law Enforcement Academy, we all raised our fists in solidarity of finishing the academy...I guess that was for Black Lives Matter too ??? Why is it when something is done, be it by Blacks or Whites, the first thing that pops up is race-related comments. Until all people can look beyond color, there will always be racism and groups to protest them...I try to live my life looking at people as individuals, not as races. All Blacks aren't thugs, All whites aren't racists, and all Cops aren't Bad !!!!
SPC Rudy Hawkins
SPC Rudy Hawkins
>1 y
2LT Tom Waters, JD - For the Class 0f 2016, there were 15,000 applicants of which 1150 started the school year. At West Point, there is no special program for women, they must endure and go thru everything male cadets go thru. It's human nature to bond with people who you can relate with you. Yes...they are all Black, Yes...they are All female and I think they were celebrating that and the solidarity with each other that got them thru 4 hard and tedious years at West Point !! Getting in there was just a start of a four year battle for them, which they adapted, overcame, and finished !!! I think people are making a mountain out of a molehill !!!!
CW4 C-12 Pilot
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No raised fists, no hoodies, no driving nice cars, raised voices . . .
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