Posted on Aug 9, 2014
Do you have an issue with parking availability at your local VA Hospital?
When I have an appointment at the VA Hospital in Memphis, TN, I always have to drive around for hours to find a parking spot. I would like to know if anyone else has the same issue at their VA Hospitals.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I believe that one of the major issues with parking at a VA Hospital is due to under staffing and over booking. It seems that many Veterans are scheduled during the same time frame and then have to wait for hours past their appointment time to be seen by their Doctor.
While I am not sure about the VA hospitals the Balboa hospital in San Diego has a horrible parking situation. Additionally the hospital in Camp Pendleton did as well prior to the new one being opened.
I live in OKC and parking is a nightmare. I have to leave an hour earlier for my appointments just to be on time just because of the parking situation.
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