Posted on Mar 3, 2017
MSgt Electrical Power Production
With all the rhetoric about Russian collusion and no evidence at the present to validate the accusations.

1. Exactly what does Russia gain with a Trump Administration that affects our National Security? Foreign interference is common in elections even by the U.S.

2. Why do you believe the Trump administration would conspire with Russia?

3. Do you believe Vice President Pence or Congress would go along with this idea?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 338
Dennis Aubuchon
This is a great question and I believe if given the chance that the Trump agenda is not only good but great for America. I believe that the problem is that he is not a politician and his agenda agrees with many Americans and that is why he was elected. I do not believe he would sell out America. I do not believe that Trump will do anything that would affect our National Security. President Trump is a negotiator and he will get what he wants and get if faster if only those in Congress from both parties would put America first not their political party.
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PV2 Glen Lewis
No but I think the Democrats would to make it look like he would.
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SPC William Rogers
No, I do not. You will know them from their fruits.
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Henning Heinemann
Edited 7 y ago
In what way? From what perspective? From a post 1914 perspective, you bet, he wants to see the Federal Reserve collapse. From a Founders' perspective allowing the Fed to collapse is necessary, but only if we get back to their Resource Based Economy rules and Free Market Capitalism uses which require a Free Capital Market where anyone with backing resource to create currency from it.

What we have now is debt based currency issued by a monopoly that is owned by the same families the Founders revolted from; we returned to Feudalism and gave up the Founders' ethics. So from a Founders perpctve Trump can't throw us under the bus because we have been under it for a century already.

What we need is to build a new socio-economic foundation that capitalizes our society the way the Founders intended, and we have the technology to do so in the Hydrogen Economy like this:

Now Trump is unlikely to do this, but he brings the opportunity for change with him as people start to realize how wrong everything has gone. The Ponzi scheme that is our economy of forced debt (which is why the Founders forbade debt based currency and told us to stay the hell out of Europe's wars) and constant war is collapsing, there is no saving it anymore. Look at what the Russians and Chinese have been doing economically while Trump has been providing distraction; the Communists have taken over global infrastructure financing in all the countries we have left go hungry under Aristocracy provided warlords while they provide us with all the resources we need from there. Where Gaddafi failed, China is succeeding, and the funny thing is, they are using our debt to do it. They are making friends where we are making enemies, and it's all thanks to WalMart. The Yuan has Reserve Currency status, all the stage is set for them to collapse Rothschild Group and the Feudal Aristocracy they represent.

The one person America has going for us in this whole scenario is Secretary Mattis. He has the respect required to take over in this kind of threat and the ability to retask the military industrial complex and mobilize them in a constructive, rather than destructive, manner. The only question is, "Does he have a plan?" The thing that can save us from a confrontation with China over our autonomy is the ability to produce more food than we would under their management. Luckily that would be easy to do if we invest 1 year's defense budget into Urban Agriculture infrastructure combined with hydrogen fuel infrastructure. Not only that, wwe take care of our homelessness and underemployment issues at the same time.
It will be interesting to see what October brings with the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. It would be nice if we actually started investing in a replacement economy before then.
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SPC Ross Temple
Russia gains nothing. Except a world that's more stable. I definitely believe most of our Representatives are in the bag for big biz and banker. You don't get there without money. Another system needing a overhaul. Pence? What idea? I'm not getting anything.
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SSG Retired
Trump is trying to pull us from under the bus where Obama put us not sell us out and as for the Russia collusion that is just smoke and mirrors to hide what Obama, Hillary and the democratic party has already done and what they were planning
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PV2 Glen Lewis
No. I don't think Russia has had any connection with the United States that is detrimental to our national security or would have. Cooperation between our governments is much more reasonable and practical. I don't think for a minuter that President Trump would throw the U.S. under the bus for any reason. I can't see Vice President Pence going along with doing so. That's just a load of crap created to damage his credibility by the Democratic party to meet their own ends.
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Construction Manager
1) Nothing 2) No 3) No
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SGT Rich Levesque
Being in the "catbird seat" all I can say is that I hope not. Politics, being the strange and wonderous thing that it is, is uncertainty in its purest form.
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MSgt Wesley Christiansen
Just the politically correct, political appointments the last administration made.
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