Posted on Sep 24, 2015
Do you think children belong in their parents' college classes? How would you respond in a situation like this?
Responses: 11
I think I would have picked up the child as well SSgt Alex Robinson. A young toddler walking towards a figure of authority in a non-threatening way is a sign of trust. Some people can afford child-care while others can't. I find it refreshing that this professor welcomed the single mom and her child into the classroom. It seems that most others in this evening class agreed.
If the situation does not disrupt the class and take away from the learning environment, I could see this as a one time type event. Life does get in the way, but to distract and detract from others learning because you couldn't find a babysitter... this would not set well with me.
PO3 Donald Murphy
She's obviously smart as she's in college. She can't figure out to get an online course? My son does it all the time. He's in Daytona Beach and if a family "event" like birthday or something comes up that he wants to attend, he'll just call the professor and arrange to "dial in." Single mom could likewise, stay at home and dial-in. In fact, my single mom daughter does just that - all of her classes online from the comfort of the couch.
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