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There's a ton of great content out there dealing with military subject matter (training / operations-related, motivational, entertaining & educational, historical, etc.); the idea is to have a fun and thought-provoking discussion, and to learn a thing-or-two while we're at it. If you can remember details but not the title; no worries, just post a description, and we'll activate the RP network to help find it. Here we'll discuss those defining sources that influence us, our culture, as well as public perception and opinion... sort of a representation of the "art-imitates-life, life-imitates-art" concept. Well, there's certainly some memorable content out there, I have my favorites and I'm sure that that you all do too. So, strap on your seatbelts, pull-up a keyboard, and let's get this thing started; thank you for all that you do, and... see you all in the discussion threads!
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