Posted on Oct 1, 2014
SPC David S.
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A short film called "Gloriana" is coming out about a female Ranger The production company is Short Pajamas and they will post any updates about the short film on their page: Ironically they wrapped production a couple of weeks ago- actually the day before the school was opened to females.

As this is a topic of late I thought I'd share what a Marine friend of mine brought to my attention. As I don't believe I can pull off another tab hoax with this what are your thoughts of being in combat with females side by side? Just because we could, should we do it. Do female warriors rule or is this a no go?
Posted in these groups: Th %282%29 Ranger SchoolDra60033 2 Combat Arms
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1LT Platoon Leader
So it was announced in the Army Times today that women have been invited to try out Ranger School. I think it will be interesting to see how this will turn out. As many people know Ranger School is one of the toughest schools in the military which leaves quite a few questions for this new development. How may women will come out for this and will they be successful? What are your thoughts?

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