Posted on Feb 3, 2015
PV2 Infantryman
I am trying to complete a Warrant Officer packet. I have only been in the Army for a year. Any advice on how to go about getting a letter of recommendation from a Senior Chief Warrant Officer and scheduling a flight physical would be greatly appreciated.
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Responses: 9
CW3 Armament Technician
Edited >1 y ago
You're on the right track. Flight physical is scheduled the same way as any other physical - through your local TMC. They'll book you with a (the) surgeon or flight nurse and the surgeon will sign off on your thing. It's nothing serious, but expect the full 9, spread cheeks treatment.

The biggest thing is getting your 3 letters of recommendation, and you will not get those without having a professional looking packet, especially as a PV2 - appearance is everything. While the packet is 100% digital, what worked for me was completing it digitally, then making hard copies of it all, tabbed and organized in a binder. That way, I had a physical copy of my packet for my letter writers to review - a small way to show initiative and that this is really something you want to do. You will have to get your senior CW4/CW5 WO letter any way you can (it must be from your duty station). Most Warrants are very receptive, however also bear in mind that the buck stops here. Do not be surprised if you are flat refused by one - but don't let that stop you from asking others. Persistence is key. Once you have a senior WO letter, you will add that to your packet to show your Company Commander you have completed that step, and the final step is taking the WO and CO letters and submitting the otherwise complete packet through your chain of command to the BN Commander. It helps immensely if either your XO or Commander personally brings your packet to your BN Commander. He/She will most likely want to interview you, and a time will be set aside for that. Normal things apply, proper customs/courtesies, proper haircut, proper haircut, proper haircut, be humble, and be honest.

Often, if you aren't in a flight unit you will have to go to an air cav unit, or your local airfield to find a senior flight warrant. Take their words of wisdom seriously. The Commander and BN Commander may have never written a WO letter of recommendation before, which is why the WO letter is the first one you must retrieve. It is a good template for them to start from. I had been in the army so long that I wrote my own LORs for review and submitted them as 'suggestions'. My senior WO changed his a bit, but the other two were almost word for word as I wrote them. No one knows you and your accomplishments better then you. Don't be afraid to approach a WO1 or CW2/3 in your chain of command and seek their help. They will be able to advocate for you and show you the light, and what right looks like, even if they cannot write a letter for you.
PV2 Infantryman
PV2 (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you! That is great advice, I did the same thing as far as print off hard copies of everything I have to date. I just need to go get that physical and start looking for a WO for a LOR. Thank you again for the advice!
PV2 Infantryman
PV2 (Join to see)
>1 y
Ok! Phase 1 aviation physical is officially scheduled. One hurdle down! Now it'll be off to Simmons army airfield with a professional looking packet to find some Chief Warrant Officers.
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SFC Drill Sergeant
Also most installations have frequent warrant officer recruitment briefings, if you have not attended one you should. I would imagine that this is a common hiccup in the process, and the recruiters should be able to assist you.
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CW4 UH-60M Pilot
PV2 Eric Stephenson send me a message I may have warrant officer or two that may be able to help you. Also tell me where you are in the process if your packet.
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