Posted on Jan 30, 2016
Frogs!?! How is everyone, it has been too long since I checked in on you, where is everyone at now/posted to next?
I am currently deployed to Sinai Peninsula and will be here through August, after that it is either another year in Germany or moving on to a job elsewhere, possibly DC.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 3
Good to hear from you sir! Graduation this May, BOLC at the end of October, and then headed to 2IBCT, 25ID in Hawaii. Hope everything's going well!
Sir, great to hear from you! Currently deployed with 2ABCT, 1ID to Kuwait. Been at Fort Riley since January 2014. How's everything going with you?
Things are going well for me and the family. The boys are getting bigger (Ben is 10 now and Matt is 5) and they are both learning a decent amount of German. We got to do a lot of travel and have had several Frog reunions in Germany. Being a Squadron XO has been a very good experience, it was nice to get back into the swing of things and I have been lucky again to have a great group of Soldiers and leaders around me that have made our unit very successful. The Sinai is definitely an interesting place, we are here to monitor the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel but the growing ISIS issues here and the war that the Egyptian forces are waging against them adds a very high level of complexity to the mission. Our North Camp which is about 10km from the Gaza strip but still in Egypt is in the middle of the fighting between Egypt and ISIS. Some days it feels like you are up on top of a hill going out to watch an American Civil War battle. we routinely will see the Egyptians dropping 500lb bombs from F-16s and the M-60 tank at our front gate ends up firing main gun rounds multiple times per week. It is definitely an interesting environment to work in.
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