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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Nov 11, 2017
SSG Kevin Flike
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Responses: 17
SP5 Richard J Jones
Thank you for your story, SSgt. I, too, have gone through a battle with substance abuse, not like you, from a combat injury, but, from a difficult, broken family. By the time I enlisted at 23, I thought I was past it. When I left in 1973, I started back where I left off, with alcohol and drugs. After 3 days cold turkey, I got dry. Been that way ever since. Went back to church, and try, every day, to be a better human than I was the day before by the grace of God. I thank him that your life is back on track, and, that you are alive and well able to celebrate this day. Thanks to yours and countless others' service to this great nation, and the ordeal you and they have gone through, we are all aware of the sacrifices many vets have made on those foreign fields to mostly, help their fellow brothers & sisters in arms get back home safely. Welcome back, SSgt!
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SMSgt Thor Merich
Thank you for sharing your story. Its very important for veterans to share their stories. Many veterans feel they are alone in their struggles. However, we all have our own trials and tribulations. Many folks have fought the same battles both during and after their service. Its important to share our stories because many folks have had similar experiences.

Hopefully, your story can inspire others and help them overcome their own struggles as you have overcome yours. Thanks again, you are a true hero.
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SFC William Farrell
Congrats on a successful recovery and on your degrees SSG Kevin Flike and thank you for your heroic service. I too was on too much pain meds from an old military injury that got worse after a particular spine surgery that was done poorly. After my fourth spine surgry I am off the meds as of a year now and while I was not addicted I was living on them. It would have been a real problem if i was still drinking but I gave that up 11 years ago. We are so much better Kevin. I am glad you are here to share such a successful story.
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