Posted on Dec 11, 2021
SSG Electronic Warfare Specialist
Per the Covid vaccination mandate my unit has required that all soldiers complete one of four tasks. First receive the FDA approved vaccination supplied by the state mandate, to receive the EUA vaccination on the open market, three file for an exemption, Or for refuse vaccination and receive disciplinary action. I signed my counseling stating that I would do the FDA approved supplied by the unit and after the fact found out it was an easy way not an FDA approved vaccine. Tried to file an IG complaint and I’m not getting nowhere. What do I do next?
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Responses: 10
SFC Retention Operations Nco
So, your issue is that you thought you were getting one FDA approved vaccine and instead your unit offered a different FDA approved vaccine, and so because of that you think some barracks lawyer loophole will allow you to do..... What exactly?

If you don't want the vaccine your unit is offering then go get the one that you want on the open market. The Army is under no obligation to cater to your vaccine whim. It is a supply issue, your unit has whatever they are given. If the specific vaccine matters to you, then go get the one you want and report to work with you new CDC card. Otherwise, being promised one vaccine does not alleviate you of the requirement to get vaccinated
SSG Electronic Warfare Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
3 y
No the medical officer told me I was getting the Comirnaty vaccination and then gave me something else. If a physician did it on the civilian side their medical license would be up for review for giving the wrong medication to a person without their consent.
SGM Bill Frazer
SGM Bill Frazer
3 y
Look, bottom line Gov't has several FDA approved shots, and now boosters. CDC just announced that mixing shot are ok too. So what is the beef?
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
SSG (Join to see) under the Feres Doctrine you have zero recourse
SFC Tac Nco
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
Glad we have so many "yes men" to help carry the torch. He has every right to get whatever shot he wanted, and if there is paperwork stating one brand, and he received another- I'd be mad too. Write every single congressperson for your state; it won't change what happened, but it might hold someone accountable so that the next guy doesn't get screwed.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Reading your question and your responses to sounds like you're focusing too hard on the peas and not the steak. You signed a document that you were gonna get one particular FDA approved shot. Instead, you received a different FDA approved shot. As long as the shot received is FDA approved and the Army accepts that shot as meeting the directive....where is the harm to you? If you are not getting anywhere with's probably due to the fact that IG feels this is not their lane.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Edited 3 y ago
Read the information sheet that I have posted. I do not see an issue.
SSG Electronic Warfare Specialist
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3 y
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