Posted on Dec 24, 2014
MSG John Wirts
Gunshop owner disrespects the military in a Facebook post. Is astonished by backlash, even death threats against him and his family!
Posted in these groups: 2nd amendment logo 2nd Amendment
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Responses: 27
MSG David Johnson
This went around FaceBook a while back. But I think this was old. Don't remember for sure.

But the comments and attitude he has, there is probably a lot of people who have the same feelings but don't express them publicly. We may not like what they believe in or say but that's their rights.
But that's what the First Ammendment is about, freedom of speech. We wouldn't be here if our Founding Fathers hadn't spoke their minds.

But, I will be in the front row of blockers if that Westboro Baptist group comes around, or if I see someone disrespecting my Flag.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
>1 y
I agree with some of that, but when you attack our military, speak disparaging of them, and operate a gun store next to a military base., expect there will be repercussions for that social media post.
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MSG Military Police
It's almost hilarious that he runs down the very group of individuals that ensures his right to say what is on his mind. Not to mention that same group are likely to be the majority of his clientele. As Ron White would say, "You just can't fix stupid".
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SGT Edward Thomas
All the responses I have read are all spot on. He has every right to express his feelings. However, his potential customers so have the right to do business somewhere else. As far as death threats to him and his family that is a bit too much. Threaten to ruin his business is one thing but never good to threaten his family.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
>1 y
Why you never want to argue with an Idiot!
He will just drag you down to his level,
and beat you to death with experiences!
SGT Edward Thomas
SGT Edward Thomas
>1 y
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SSG Stephen Arnold
Openly deriding gets in a business that likely has a significant number of vets as customers? Dumb.

Making threats because you disagree with his comments? Criminal. In most jurisdictions it is called "assault".
SSG Stephen Arnold
SSG Stephen Arnold
>1 y

Smart aleck phone.
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PO2 Corey Ferretti
All i can say is he is an idiot. but he has the right to say what he pleases but im sure is business is hurting by now. The big part i dont agree with is death threats against him and his family. That crossed a line that should never be crossed. It frustrates me when i hear people do that because they don't like what someone says. It adds fuel to the lets hate veterans see they are violent and ticking time bombs see what they did after i said something harmless. Some people need to learn not to speak when they are mad that is for sure.
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SSG Security Officer
Boycott? Absolutely. Death threats? Line crossed. I'm really not sure what he was thinking would happen with this. Pretty much everyone here has nailed it on one form or another with their posts. I do agree that his apology was driven by dollars more than sense. It sounds like SFC(P) (Join to see) has had a run in with him and it's been unpleasant.

Yes, his right to make that comment was paid for in blood, but it's our right and responsibility to ensure he knows he messed up.
MSG John Wirts
MSG John Wirts
>1 y
His apology was driven more by lack of dollars after his idiotic post.
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SSG (ret) William Martin
Edited >1 y ago
I have a good friend who owns a speed shop for vehicles and a video game store in Temple, TX. He once told me the point of a business is not to make money for that will come for sure if you conduct business correctly and treat people right, but he said the point of a business is to serve the community, to be a pillar of the community, and to help use his position as a successful business owner to help the community and others in need and he does just that. The owner of the gun store is doing the opposite and its causing his business to hurt.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Excellent points.
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SSG (ret) William Martin
While the gun store owner who depends on the business of others to make his living, to put food on the table and the close on his back and the backs of his family has freedom of speech he should really consider his mouth to be a liability. He brought his turmoil on to himself and some people will never let him live down that fact that he is a veteran hater. He can never take back what he said about veterans. People who made threats against his family is a no go but then again, his mouth wrote a check his rear end can't cash. He should also take a history class on what veterans have done for our country and other countries.
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LCpl Steve Wininger
This guy obviously has anger management issues. people have a right to be upset and speak back, however, people should leave his family out of it. he alone made the post and he alone needs to be the one the people confront about it.
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SGM Retired
Rather than getting mad, we have the power if we are willing to use it. Boycotting this idiot is exactly what we need to do. No death threats, no hate mail, no customers! We can share the news of the boycott every way we can, to make it have the maximum impact. In fact, we MUST or we will be ignored.

A similar example. In 2012, Devin McLean, retired Air Force, stopped a bandit from robbing Auto Zone. The store manager said McLean saved his life, but Auto Zone fired McLean. I have told Auto Zone that I'm not shopping there again until they issue an apology to McLean. Facebook has a Boycott Auto Zone page, if you are interested.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." Plato
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