Posted on Dec 9, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
Posted in these groups: Election 2016 button Election 201661c89c28 Donald Trump
Edited >1 y ago
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Capt Walter Miller
Edited >1 y ago
"By pushing away the American-Muslim community, we lose one of our greatest assets against terrorism: the trust between the community and law enforcement that we rely on to spot the warning signs of radicalization. The reality is that one of our greatest threats is in homegrown terrorism, radicalized individuals acting on their own the way we saw in San Bernardino. Further, acting the way ISIL claims in their propaganda by turning against our own Muslim community only contributes to those who are vulnerable to radicalization."

"The mere suggestion of such a policy option in America ironically plays right into the hands of the “Islamic State” (ISIS) and other jihadis. The likes of ISIS want to attract more supporters and recruits, and there is probably no better way to do so than engendering discrimination and bigotry towards Muslims in general. In the world as the jihadis see it, convincing everyone that a clash of civilizations really exists will put some 1.3 billion Muslims into their pool of constituents, supporters and recruits – as opposed to the small minority of Muslims who currently support the jihadis."

Trump has aided our enemies. That is the definition of treason.

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No sir.
Capt Walter Miller
"Trump is doing ISIS' job for them."

- Kareem Abdul Jabbar
SFC Pete Kain
SFC Pete Kain
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller -
you are dreaming in never land if you believe that, Obama is a bad joke, the second worst joke is trump and his delusions
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller - Would you care to expands on how is trump doing ISIS' job for them
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - "There’s absolutely no evidence that his unconstitutional ideas would help in any way—quite the opposite. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson criticized Trump’s proposal as “irresponsible, probably illegal, unconstitutional and contrary to international law, un-American, and will actually hurt our efforts at homeland security.”

"This is not conservatism," declared House Speaker Paul Ryan, the Republican Party's top elected leader. "What was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for. And more importantly, it's not what this country stands for."
Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday that Trump's rhetoric is complicating U.S. diplomacy.
"I stay out of politics," he told reporters in Paris. "But on this one I have to say something because it involves my job, it involves our country."
He said that IS, also known as ISIS or Daesh, "is not Islam and there are courageous Muslims around the world in the Middle East and elsewhere standing up to it."
Kerry said that "what Mr. Trump has said runs contrary" to U.S. values of religious tolerance "and makes our job of reaching out to people and sharing America just that much more complicated and that much more difficult. And that's about as diplomatic as I can be about it."
One by one, Republican officials across the country lashed out at Trump's plan, which calls for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" to help quell the threat of terrorism."
SrA Art Siatkowsky
SrA Art Siatkowsky
>1 y
I think your trying too hard to find something to discredit Trump. I dont agree with his statement, I think it was more of his usual...whatever comes to mind...thing. I dont think any non radicalized muslim is suddenly going to jump over to ISIS because of Trump. If they do its because they were already heading in that direction.
The real issue here is more that Trump is a very real threat to you. If he wins the Republican nomination he will oust Hillary and Bernie. But Trump is the result of ridiculous liberal policies being rammed down our throats. Trump is not at all what I envisioned for the Republican nomination but like I said before WHOEVER gets the democrats out of office will get my vote and the majority of legal, living, American votes. Is there another Republican you would vote for? I dont think so. It seems you just want the dems back in so we can begin the great Communist Revolution next year. Sorry, not going to happen in America.
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PO1 Glenn Boucher
I fail to see how Donald Trump has committed treason, has he been a loud mouthed ass? Most certainly but I doubt that he could be convicted in a court for his ranting.
Radical / Extreme Islam, Christianity or any other faction that wants the world to conform to their way of thinking or else face the music is the problem.
People like Donald Trump rant on hot topics to garner attention and to get the scared people to join up on their ranting.
Just look at what happened in Alameda, CA
A Corrections Department employee verbally harassed 3 Muslim men who were in the park, the same park they go to during the work week at the same time every work day, doing their prayers and this clown starts to berate them and telling them to leave the country. I mean WTF is going on that something that was not harming anyone last week is all of a sudden a conspiracy meeting.
Is this what we are becoming? Are we going to fear every single person who looks Muslim? And with that can you pick a Muslim out of a crowd?
I will agree that Donald Trump is a loud mouthed ass but treason, now that's a bit of a stretch even for someone looking for something to cry about.
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Capt Walter Miller
"The mere suggestion of such a policy option in America ironically plays right into the hands of the “Islamic State” (ISIS) and other jihadis. The likes of ISIS want to attract more supporters and recruits, and there is probably no better way to do so than engendering discrimination and bigotry towards Muslims in general. In the world as the jihadis see it, convincing everyone that a clash of civilizations really exists will put some 1.3 billion Muslims into their pool of constituents, supporters and recruits – as opposed to the small minority of Muslims who currently support the jihadis."
SFC Pete Kain
SFC Pete Kain
>1 y
You sir are walking around blind to history.
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Capt Walter Miller
"The 2016 candidate has more in common with the terrorist group than he does with America

The terrorist campaign against American ideals is winning. Fear is rampant. Gun sales are soaring. Hate crimes are increasing. Bearded hipsters are being mistaken for Muslims. And 83 percent of voters believe a large-scale terrorist attack is likely here in the near future. Some Americans are now so afraid that they are willing to trade in the sacred beliefs that define America for some vague promises of security from the very people who are spreading the terror. “Go ahead and burn the Constitution — just don’t hurt me at the mall.” That’s how effective this terrorism is.

I’m not talking about ISIS. I’m talking about Donald Trump.

This is not hyperbole. Not a metaphor. Webster defines terrorism as “the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal; the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.”

If violence can be an abstraction — and it can; that’s what a threat is — the Trump campaign meets this definition. Thus, Trump is ISIS’s greatest triumph: the perfect Manchurian Candidate who, instead of offering specific and realistic policies, preys on the fears of the public, doing ISIS’s job for them. Even fellow Republican Jeb Bush acknowledged Trump’s goal is “to manipulate people’s angst and fears.”

Hard to argue with Abdul-Jabbar
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
"There’s absolutely no evidence that his unconstitutional ideas would help in any way—quite the opposite. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson criticized Trump’s proposal as “irresponsible, probably illegal, unconstitutional and contrary to international law, un-American, and will actually hurt our efforts at homeland security.”
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Capt Walter Miller
"Thousands of Muslims who have courageously served our country in uniform are struggling to come to grips with the hate that they’re now experiencing stateside: “There are roughly 5,900 U.S. service members who self-identify as Muslims,” Thomas Gibbons-Neff reports. “Now they are finding a climate that is significantly worse than anything they experienced after the Sept. 11th, 2001, attacks. ‘The rhetoric is definitely different, it’s very alarming,’ said Cpl. Ibrahim Hashi, a Marine who left the service in 2011 and now attends American University in D.C. ‘And I’m concerned for myself and my family’s safety.'” -- Wash Po
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Capt Walter Miller
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."

SFC Pete Kain
SFC Pete Kain
>1 y
What light would that be?
SPC Brendan Kearns
SPC Brendan Kearns
>1 y
Such as accusing an American of treason for simply exercising his 1st amendment right no matter how stupid? who is the one who is really afraid here
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
SPC Brendan Kearns - "The mere suggestion of such a policy option in America ironically plays right into the hands of the “Islamic State” (ISIS) and other jihadis. The likes of ISIS want to attract more supporters and recruits, and there is probably no better way to do so than engendering discrimination and bigotry towards Muslims in general. In the world as the jihadis see it, convincing everyone that a clash of civilizations really exists will put some 1.3 billion Muslims into their pool of constituents, supporters and recruits – as opposed to the small minority of Muslims who currently support the jihadis."

Trump has aided our enemies. That is the definition of treason.

SPC Brendan Kearns
SPC Brendan Kearns
>1 y
So we walk on eggshells to not " enhance there recruiting" ? That is simply dumb. If they don't like it that dosnt give them the right to resort to violence. Bye saying what you say you only enable there barbaric savagery
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Capt Walter Miller
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that not many people are saying, “Trump should STFU.” Even if he is saying things a lot of people want to hear, he may be an enabler of an enemy of the United States. Someone said, “we are not at war with ISIS”, as if that mattered.

I think President Lincoln in the Corning letter pretty much nailed the concept. That agitator’s words were intended to damage the military power of the federal army. Trump’s words tend to increase the power of ISIS. The effect is the same.

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LTJG Construction Manager
Trump did not commit treason, he is allowed to say whatever he wants. However, it is my right to say he is an ignorant ass who has no concept what means to uphold the constitution and the rights of all peoples. Treason... no, asshole... Yes.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Well, no. For instance you can't falsely yell "fire" in a crowded theater.

There are many many restrictions on free speech.

Jesse Ventura recently won a libel suit against the estate of sniper Chris Kyle.

And on and on.

LTJG Construction Manager
LTJG (Join to see)
>1 y
Sure there are restrictions on free speech but he didn't commit treason. He is just a moron.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
LTJG (Join to see) - "By pushing away the American-Muslim community, we lose one of our greatest assets against terrorism: the trust between the community and law enforcement that we rely on to spot the warning signs of radicalization. The reality is that one of our greatest threats is in homegrown terrorism, radicalized individuals acting on their own the way we saw in San Bernardino. Further, acting the way ISIL claims in their propaganda by turning against our own Muslim community only contributes to those who are vulnerable to radicalization."

Trump has aided our enemies. That is the definition of treason.

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