Posted on Dec 9, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
Posted in these groups: Election 2016 button Election 201661c89c28 Donald Trump
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 87
SSG William Rhodes
Trump is a draft dodger moron that only care about money, for that reason I have not even consider to vote for him. Actually if he wins I will leave the country and come back after he is long gone! There are still enough candidates with more brain and experience than that clown. Remember the reason he made some of his fortune was at the expense of the people, illegals and by questionable Bussines deals!
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CW3 Jim Norris
Your supposition is not a rational argument. Mr. Trump can express an opinion about anything, person or place......and what I understood him to say was that we should stop immigration from hotbeds of Islamist terror dogma being espoused. And we should, we should also take seriously the estimated 150 million Islamist who believe that Sharia is superior to our Constitution and should be implemented - violently if need be. ISIS has been advocating that a global caliphate be established that replaces all of the government that are not in compliance with Sharia, contrary to your statement they advocate that as many Islamic terrorist as possible enter Europe and the rest of western nations to foment terror and overthrow of they're 'man made' governments....I know that liberals absolutely hate our freedom of expression, when it doesn't align with that ideology, but the fortunate fact is this nation, at least for the present, still maintains that freedom...and I to think we should stop ALL immigration until we get the nation debt under control and give these millions of people that have immigrated in the past 5 years time to assimilate into our culture, which by the way is superior to any other nation on earth.
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PO3 Sherry Thornburg
For the most part I agree with your stance against Trump, except the part about treason. He is not presidential material. he speaks for shock value, no offering any real solutions. He was however misrepresented as his ban on Syrian refugees was a temporary thing until the vetting process could be cleaned up. But since then, his messages have gone from bad to worse. From the beginning I've believed his inability to control his mouth would destroy his chances.
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Capt Tom Brown
A lot of what DT has said, despite not being said in the most PC manner, reflects the thoughts and feelings of a lot of people. If what he says against World Terrorism offends them too bad and more power to him to twist their tails. Politicians pandering for political stroke by being nice to everyone potentially do more harm to US. DT is the only candidate so far to bring up major issues and address them head-on rather than try to boiler plate everything.
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SGM Retired
Edited >1 y ago
I do see it as election rhetoric, but then so is your question.

And if you reread your post, I'll gladly bet you that I can find plenty of people willing to give testimony on acts of treason (i.e. aid and comfort to the enemy) committed by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. So tell me what your opinion, or even mine actually prove?

In the 1930's there was a poll: Should Jews be allowed to live in the U.S.? To our national shame, 66% voted in favor of expelling Jews. Jews started integrating into our society being less isolated and separated. And that's a good thing, because if you aren't going to be an American, I don't see what you are doing in our country.

It is time that peaceful Muslims denounced the radicals who are disparaging their religion. It is time that Muslims took a stand against Daesh (that's what ISIS calls themselves) instead of flocking to our country and expecting someone else to fight. It's time peaceful Muslims denounced honor killings and embraced human rights, especially women's right. And as long as they aren't willing to take such stands, it's not unreasonable for us to wonder whose side they are on. People have a right to be afraid of terrorists, and if you are on our side, it shouldn't bother you to say so. If you won't ... Silence is consent.
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SrA Marlin Taylor
If Trump has committed treason then by your own statements so has Obama.
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SSgt Christopher Brose
Were you this worked up when John Kerry actually did commit treason?
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SSG Program Control Manager
While I disagree with Trump on pretty much everything, what your suggesting would effectively curtail free speech. Someone saying something that is viewed favorably by an enemy of the United States and then having that treated as treason would effectively halt free speech. Next we would have to arrest those who are opposed to US bombing of Daesh because of civilian casualties. Were we foolish enough to exercise that sort of logic, our entire society could begin to unravel.
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LtCol Robert Quinter
Edited >1 y ago
Your position reminds me of Hillary; advancing the same argument of unsubstantiated "aid and comfort" to the ISIS recruiting effort when her husband's conduct serves as a center piece in an actual piece of ISIS produced propaganda. I suspect your position is more political than moral or ethical. If you want a real example of "aid and comfort" research Kerry's trip to Paris to "negotiate" with the North Vietnamese delegates concerning the VN war when he still held a commission in in the Navy Reserve.
Trump's statement is part of his campaign rhetoric. That it was couched in words that reflected religious criteria is inappropriate but had it been directed toward country of origin it would have had historical precedence.
I will not answer your survey as the positions are colored similarly to your initial essay.
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MSgt Health & Safety
Walt, you cannot possibly be serious with this one-sided view.
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