Posted on May 9, 2016
SGT Nia Chiaraluce
This question was brought to me recently. A concerned peer is just now finding out about the NCOER appeal process. Their concern is the counseling dates were falsified giving the individual no time to rehabilitate from a 4/4 rating. Also, to clarify it's not just the counseling dates in question. What is the level of proof needed etc.? I personally have not dealt with this type of situation, but want to help them out the best I can without just sending them to the HRC website.
Posted in these groups: Leadership abstract 007 Leadership02465838216ea014750f6a70670013dd c0 34 4761 2809 s561x327 Senior Leaders1efa5058 NCOER
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 130
SFC Otr Truck Driver
I'm reading this NCOER and I'm thinking, first of all, who the hell wrote this garbage? There were only 2 bullets half the time and most if not all were very vague. If I ever even thought about writing an NCOER like this, it wouldn't make it past the first-line supervisor's desk before it got kicked back to me. Second, there were points about the NCO being disrespectful and leaving a weapon unsecured, among others. If I were handling the appeal, I'd ask to see any and all paperwork written beforehand for said infractions. Also, I'd want to see all quarterly counselings. Lack thereof should set off alarm bells if you ask me.
SSG Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
The new ncoer you are lucky if you can get two bullets in it is five lines that includes spaces so that is three lines to write.
LTC Ed McAlister
LTC Ed McAlister
9 y
Concur with SSG Pauca, and would add that if you're going to ruin somebody, you'd better bring your ammo. Where are the specifics here? Botht he Rater and SR are deficeint as hell.
SGM J 39 Sgm
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CSM (Join to see) - I've always tracked the same. At least one bullet required with a success block. What I always questioned when I saw them unless it was a 90 day or very short rating period was "is the rater being lazy and not wanting to produce a decent NCOER or is there really not enough content?" Especially with any type of negative or subpar NCOER I always demanded to see the counseling statements to back it up.
CSM Thomas McGarry
CSM Thomas McGarry
8 y
I was going to post but I think SFC Pauca covered all the points. I see many good reasons an appeal might be warranted.
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SFC Maintenance Management Nco
To say I'm floored by what I just read would be a gross understatement. I've written some rough but deserved NCOERs in my time but even then, they carried the weight of truth. That one looks like it was written on the way to S-1 for final processing. If you're looking to put a substandard NCOER to paper... Qualify and Quantify, the same as you would a 1/1, Among the Best. "I will be fair and impartial..."
LTC Ed McAlister
LTC Ed McAlister
9 y
Concur in all respects with SFC Graves; this would not get out of my orderly room as a company commander, and if it got to my desk at battalion/squadron level, everybody in the chain of command would be in front of my desk explaining how and why an obviously slapped-together NCOER ever got there in the first place and showing me the requisite documentaton of counseling sessions, memoranda for record, etc. If it's not there, company chain of command, you can rest assured that your efficiency reports are going to read about like this guy's, only I'll document it.
SGM J 39 Sgm
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>1 y
I concur with both assessments of this NCOER that is in question. I would also like to add that you can't see the rated months on the NCOER but if it is anything past 90 days I would be questioning why with all of the negative bullets was this NCO allowed to maintain their position without being relieved? As well, if they are going to rate the NCO with a 4/4 and all of those subpar bullets why are there not any "NO" blocks in the Army Values section. If what is on the document is actually true and documentation is actually there to support it (which I doubt) then they have clearly shown they deserve a couple of "NO" blocks on the front page. I 100% agree this NCOER shows laziness and lack of proper accountability by the rater and Senior rater.
SGM J 39 Sgm
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SGM (Join to see) - And when I say "I doubt" I'm talking about supporting documentation.
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SSG Cannon Crew Member
In my honest opinion, regardless if its a 4/4 rating or a 1/1 rating... that NCOER looks like my six year old daughter wrote it.

Another thing, the values don't match the comments on the other side....IF he was THAT BAD you'd think he would have a NO in there somewhere
SGM J 39 Sgm
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
I just said the same exact thing and why wasn't he relieved before this point.
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