Posted on Jul 9, 2015
CW3 Kevin Storm
I read this book years, ago and was impressed with his daring exploits. Much of what he did in WWII can be traced to his actions as front line leader in WWI. If you ever come across it, it is a very good read.
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Responses: 17
LTC Stephen F.
Edited >1 y ago
Yes, CW3 Kevin Storm I read Erwin Rommel's Attacks about 35 years ago as a young Infantry officer. It is a well-written account of his experiences in maneuver warfare in the areas around northern Italy if I remember correctly in WWI. He was able to take the lessons he learned there and apply them to the desert areas of north Africa to great success in 1941 and 1942. AS a young man I read Panzer Leader by Major General Heinz Guderian and Panzer Battles by Major General F.W. von Mellenthin will are also very good.
The title is Attacks by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. My copy is from Athena Press in Vienna, Virginia. I have a first edition which is from 1979.
CW3 Kevin Storm
CW3 Kevin Storm
>1 y
I am still amazed that he captured Italian forts by rappelling down them at night and capturing them without firing a shot. Not once but multiple times.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Erwin Rommel led by example in WWI, in the inter-war years, and as the Desert Fox in North Africa. His men seemed to have complete trust in his leadership, tactical, operational, and strategic abilities. He was so well respected that when it was discovered that he had plotted against Hitler he was allowed to commit suicide after saying goodbye to his wife at their ancestral home and his wife and family were unharmed.
1LT William Clardy
1LT William Clardy
>1 y
Most of his notoriety in World War II came from his audacity in North Africa. As I recall, he caught the Royal Army under Montgomery completely off-guard by launching his initial attack with only the couple of dozen tanks which arrived with the initial contingent of German troops for the Afrika Korps. At an operational level, it was as audacious as that scene in Star Wars where Han Solo starts chasing a group of stormtroopers down a corridor in the Death Star, scaring them so badly that they panic and run despite outnumbering him.
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SGT Ben Keen
I've heard of the book but yet to read it. FM Rommel was by far one of the military minds that Nazi party had. I'm sure if it wasn't for him, WWII would have been a lot shorter in Europe.
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SSG Izzy Abbass
Guy named Rommel - Field Marshal Rommel, not just a guy. He and Guderian were ahead of their time
CW3 Kevin Storm
CW3 Kevin Storm
>1 y
Said in jest
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
>1 y
Wayyyy ahead of their time. Manstein was no schlub, either. Best thing we had going was...ummmm...
SSG Izzy Abbass
SSG Izzy Abbass
>1 y
CW3 Kevin Storm - I never say anything in jest. Oh wait, I'm an E6 so of course I have. LOL
CW3 Kevin Storm
CW3 Kevin Storm
>1 y
SSG Izzy Abbass - Why SSG I am shocked to find out there is such a thing! lol
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