Posted on Apr 3, 2021
Has the Army reoriented yet from insurgency warfare tactics to heavy conventional warfare tactics?
It looks like increasingly the next war is going to be against a heavy conventional warfare opponent vs an insurgency. Given that our last few wars have been insurgencies I would expect the DoD to shift over training and tactics with an accompanying boost in the training part of the DoD budget. Yet I have not seen either yet. So I am curious if that shift has even taken place within the Army or Marine Corps.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 15
The Army started the transition to large scale ground combat back around 2015ish. They did this by switching the scenario at the Combat Training Centers (JRTC, NTC, MNTC). They have even renamed the villages in the training area from Arabic to European names and are working on remodeling so the building look European.
SPC Erich Guenther
So that is good news, getting worried here about all these frozen conflicts such as the Ukraine and Taiwan starting to heat up again. I think sooner or later someone is going to misjudge.
Somebody had better figure it out. Personally, I am reluctant to support any effort to focus on insurgent warfare. We wasted a lot of time (not to mention blood and treasure) fighting in Vietnam as an insurgency. It was an invasion and we didn't have any success until we began to engage the invaders. Then there's the question of what business have we interfering in a true insurgency? Our nation is founded on the premise that people (ALL people) have a right to "...abolish [their existing government], and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." As for terrorists, they should be treated as pirates (criminals), and there's plenty of extant international law regarding piracy. We should enforce it.
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