Posted on Aug 1, 2015
SCPO Investigator
What is the purpose of a popular vote by the American public IF a select group of people can negate that popular vote and choose someone else? IT HAS HAPPENED.
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Responses: 253
CPO Manny Perez
No, if we did away wit the Electoral College the larger states would always determine the presidential race. The founding fathers in their wisdom foresaw that even as early as 1776.
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A1C Brad Hilton
Getting rid of the electoral college would put elections in the hands of New York and California, that should be enough to scare anybody!
PO2 Peter Klein
PO2 Peter Klein
>1 y
Being from California I don't see a problem. LOL
I would like to see an end to winner-take-all though.
SPC Tom Walsh
SPC Tom Walsh
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GySgt William Hardy
The idea of the Electoral College once again proves the necessity and worth of the concept. It is a part of the original writings and is an outstanding concept. It amazes me that our Forefathers came up with the concept which as proven its worth time and again.

As far as our educational system is concerned, Civics or Political Science is taught in high school, but it has been reduced to a Freshman level class which basically means it is an easy class. In my state it is a required class, it is not on our list of classes that require the "exit exam" as in other classes and it should be. What we need to do is to keep US History at the Junior level and raise the Civics class to the Senior level and toughen the curriculum. We also need to include it the required classes that have exit exams.

On more thing, we need to raise the standards on those exit exams as well. Ever since the Democrats and Republicans decided that we were not doing a good job educating our kids and decided to initiate various programs to raise our scores and graduation dates, we have gone downhill even more. Let me explain...I have over 30 years experience in education as a Social Studies teacher at both the Middle and High School levels. What happened is that we lowered the scores to elevate our grades and graduation rates. The exit exams in Social Studies/History is a mere 30%. That is a raw score for passing. Out of 100 questions, you only have to get 30 correct. Hate to say this, but I have had border line mentally challenged kids who guessed their way to a passing grade. In all of my years teaching US History, I only had 1 kid who did not pass...just 1...that is how easy it is. It makes our stats look good, but we are graduating unprepared kids into the world.

This isn't a brag, but I had a standing policy with all the high school classes I taught (I also taught computer classes, General Math, and a few other high school classes). Each year that there was a local, state, or national election, every kid who register to vote showed me their voter registration card got an automatic 100. The 100 could be used as a "free pass on any test except the mid-term or final exam, or it could be used as a substitute grade for any lower grade they had. If the actual election took place, I gave them a 3X5 card which had to be signed by the officials at the voting station. They then also got an additional free 100. I tried to use these opportunities to discuss political matters and the importance of voting.

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A1C Charles D Wilson
No. The electoral needs to stand.There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.
There are 62 counties in New York State.
Trump won 46 of them.
Clinton won 16.
Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 3.1 million votes.
In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 1.1 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)
Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.
These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles.
When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.
Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the rest of our country.
PO2 Peter Klein
PO2 Peter Klein
>1 y
But why should the candidate with the most votes get the Presidency? Just doesn't make sense to me.
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CPL David Markham
Absolutely not, if it was popular vote one or two large states would dictate outcome for of the United States..
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SSG Paul Carrier
No, it serves the purpose the founders created it for.
To prevent a tyranny of the mob.
A fine example of why it is needed can be found in the state of Oregon where three or four counties decide who the governor and other state officers will be, effectively disenfranchising the other counties.
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PO1 Gregg Mundy
I don't think we need to start second guessing the Constitution of the United States. I agree with what these gentlemen before me have said. If we start changing the Constitution, in any way, shape or form, that will open the door for more and more changes we (as people of the USA) are going to regret down the our future road. Just for ref. US Constitution Article 2 Sec. 1
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SGT James Colwell
Absolutely NOT!!! A pure popular vote only works in a pure democracy. As we have seen throughout history, any "pure" form of government is fatally flawed. Our representative republic is not perfect, but it is teh best we have seen, and the EC is a critical component.
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Jessie R. Smith Jr.
No. Up until my mid twenties, I did not understand everything about the Electoral College. It seemed like an impediment to the majority. After I started reading about it and reading about consequences I realized that our founding fathers were pretty sharp. Sometimes the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many. I don't like when totally liberal laws and bills get passed, just like liberals do not like it when conservative laws and bills get passed. One set of people do not need to be serfs to another, even if one set of people have beliefs that they feel are better. The Electoral college evens the field in this country.
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MSG Don Burt
No it's not any time for such a thing to happen...The Founding Fathers simply did not have faith that the people would pick the most qualified candidates to govern the new, young nation. And if you look at what has been happening since our election, that statement explains why we do have and should keep the college.
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