Posted on May 19, 2016
Have you voted in this year's primary elections yet?
No, the primaries aren't over yet. I know, the primary season seems interminable. Californians don't vote until June 7. That's why I'm still laboring over my mail in ballot. You should see it. All the Republican presidential candidates have been eliminated except for Trump, making my choice easy. And no, I wasn't struck by lightning for voting for him. You should see the choices for US Senator. Twenty-seven of them! And you thought you had it bad. Surprisingly, my choice was easy. Only one sounds sane (and thus doesn't stand a chance). Three fools have dared to challenge my District Representative, Mimi Walters. Don't worry. The party establishment will crush her opposition for her. Our member of the State Assembly is running (LOL) unopposed. Then there's the slate of judges no one has ever heard of and a couple of propositions that you'd need a legislative staff to help you understand. (Isn't that why we have legislators?) But voting is our duty and we, more than most, understand "duty", don't we?
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 16
I live in Washington State. I am not voting in the primary here for two reasons. One, I would have to designate myself as a Republican or Democrat, and I don't want to do that. Two, the primary process is f*cked up, giving early states a disproportionate amount of influence on who gets to be the next Presidential candidate for each party, such that the choice has pretty much already been made. I refuse to participate in that process.
CPT Jack Durish
Join a party or let others provide the choices. I always made it a habit of joining the party that held the majority in whatever jurisdiction where I lived. That way I could at least get a voice in which Democrat or Republican was going to win the general election.
CPT Jack Durish my wife and I voted (1) in the Virginia Primary and as delegates (2) to the VA 10 District Republican Convention and (3) at the VA Republican State Convention.
LTC Stephen F.
CPT Jack Durish - that reminds me of the Animal House scene where the new pledges are being hazed by Niedermeyer
I'm still waiting for my mail-in ballot.
The US Senate choices eclectic mix. Some i believe are just visiting our planet. I just hope that Loretta Sanchez does not get elected.
The US Senate choices eclectic mix. Some i believe are just visiting our planet. I just hope that Loretta Sanchez does not get elected.
CPT Jack Durish
The two front runners for the Democratic nomination for the US Senate from California are Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez. Given that either of those will win the general election, I'd have to go with Loretta. She was helpful with our bid to create a new national cemetery for veterans in Orange County. But, I can't think of much else to recommend her. I can't think of anything for Harris. I listened to the entire debate for the US Senate held at Univ of the Pacific. The GOP has to likely prospects, but I wouldn't hold out much hope for them.
Archive of the U.S. Senate debate which was live-cast on this page on Monday, April 25, 2016.
CSM Charles Hayden
CPT Jack Durish Thank you for the comment on Sanchez. An young acquaintance will be doing some 'interning' for her this summer. He would rather do that than work, which he has never had to experience!
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