Posted on Feb 9, 2015
SGT(P) Motor Transport Operator
I know there are several discussions on this topic, but how does one deal with it?
What can one do if they're being pushed over the edge, despite their best efforts? When following orders they already mentioned they weren't physically capable of completing leads them to the ER? When their leaders are constantly belittle and degrade them? When they talk about them like they're not there? When the Soldier feels taken advantage of? When the Soldier does NOT feel safe? When they tell the Soldier to drive under the influence of narcotic painkillers? When a Soldier is already in the MEB process, denied entry to a WTU, suffering mental issues and unable to walk without an assistive device (with the proper profile authorizing it)? When the Commander directs them to stop taking their meds, and even drags them to the clinic and tries to get the PA to confiscate them?

Please help! CSM, IG, hospitals and Chaplains are all unable to help. I don't feel safe at my unit and have no one to turn to. (Not to mention pending a very vague Art 15 on top of it all) I'm very patiently awaiting ratings (which are long overdue)
If anyone can help, I can share my number in a PM.
Posted in these groups: Toxic leadership logo Toxic Leadership
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 7
SGT(P) Motor Transport Operator
Update: Thanks to all that offered advice (Especially the one that had me rethink my word choices). I just had to take it higher up the chain. Not everything has been resolved, but it is certainly much better. For those that are dealing with similar issues, it may be scary, but I recommend keep taking it higher until someone listens.
For me, it took using the BDE CSM's open door policy. Come to find out, he is a very fair leader. In 5 minutes, he accomplished more than I was able to in months.
I thought about revising my initial post to remove some of the implied frustration and angst, but it was real. I know I'm not the only one that feels that way, at times. I hope the advice I was given and this update can help others in similar situations.
I f nothing else, I'm glad I reached out. I was able to connect with some very good Soldiers and think I made a couple new friends.
When you're down and out, please reach out. I'm not at all paid by RallyPoint, but I will say that this forum and the people within never cease to amaze me. I've made actual friends here that I try to keep in touch with and have found a great network to help me in my next stage of life. The connections I've made here are the best I've made. (LinkedIn is nice, too, but this is much more personal and direct).
Please, if you're having a rough time, reach out here. Someone will help you. It may even be me. We all have our issues, myself included, but that's why we have each other. Stay strong y'all!
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
As a fellow Soldier in a overwhelming situation with (ahem) leadership challenges myself, I can relate SGT(P) (Join to see).

DO NOT battle them. They may or may not have your best interests at heart - I am not a mind reader - but they are your chain-of-command and can order you to do things. Only your primary care physician can change your treatment plan. If you have a profile, they must honor it. If you are running into flak, report it to your provider and have them intervene on your behalf. Your leaders may be questioning the validity of your treatment plan and/or your integrity. Do not give them ammo. Do the right thing.

Know that your health and well-being are paramount. Your leaders want you in formation and doing your job. You can't do that if you are broken. Everyone should have the same goal: getting you healthy.

Stand tall, SGT. Feel free to contact me directly if I can be of service.
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MAJ(P) Operations Research/Systems Analysis
Congressman. Make an appointment to see yours now. However, make sure you've exausted all your military means. It sounds like you have.

But, to be fair. This is one-sided and vague. Message me. I'll do what I can and advise based on what I know. Feel free...
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