Posted on Jul 4, 2015
Hillary Clinton along with other politicians approved the sale of arms for Terrorist Enemies of the U.S.
I don't know what to say about this. I would like to think there is no way it could be true, but we've done it before, supplied arms to groups we later ended up fighting. I don't have a bias for or against Hilary Clinton (well maybe now I do) and I was not searching for negative information about her when I stumbled on this.
Watch the segment to hear the discussion about who knew what.
Watch the segment to hear the discussion about who knew what.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Yet these same politicians wish to severely restrict our own Second Amendment rights...
I don't think that this is surprising, but if there is actually a trail of paper or digits that leads to that conclusion, Mrs Clinton is done in politics. This is a pretty clear-cut impeachable offense.
What is interesting to me is that an operation like this requires the informing and assent of the Select Intelligence Committee. Either they were informed and knew all this Bengazi business and stuff about arms transfers all along - just keeping their mouths shut because of it's sensitive nature, or they were not informed and multiple laws were broken.
The whole "spontaneous demonstration" story smelled like a cover story all along. I don't think everyone needs to know everything that the US is up to overseas. But I do know that we are a republic with built in safeguards between the branches of government as well as accountability. We are a nation of laws. We knew darned well that there was plenty of bad actors in the Libyan rebel groups and the Syrian groups had been questionable before Islamic State arose. The Nusra Front is an Al Queda affiliate, for Christ's sake.
All of these rotten groups have common origins and mostly common cause. They are linked and to think one is better than the next is foolish beyond words. The only thing that separates them is different visions of who should be in charge after the jihad ends. If they want to fight each other, let them. The last thing they need is more arms; they are content to do it with knives and small arms.
What is interesting to me is that an operation like this requires the informing and assent of the Select Intelligence Committee. Either they were informed and knew all this Bengazi business and stuff about arms transfers all along - just keeping their mouths shut because of it's sensitive nature, or they were not informed and multiple laws were broken.
The whole "spontaneous demonstration" story smelled like a cover story all along. I don't think everyone needs to know everything that the US is up to overseas. But I do know that we are a republic with built in safeguards between the branches of government as well as accountability. We are a nation of laws. We knew darned well that there was plenty of bad actors in the Libyan rebel groups and the Syrian groups had been questionable before Islamic State arose. The Nusra Front is an Al Queda affiliate, for Christ's sake.
All of these rotten groups have common origins and mostly common cause. They are linked and to think one is better than the next is foolish beyond words. The only thing that separates them is different visions of who should be in charge after the jihad ends. If they want to fight each other, let them. The last thing they need is more arms; they are content to do it with knives and small arms.
This stinks, and smells like a massive cover up! Pay attention at the 2:24 mark of the video, this puts the blood of Ambassador Chris Stevens' on somebody's hands......
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