Posted on Dec 17, 2019
How can I ensure that my re-enlistment/reclassification bonus gets processed?
I need an active duty career counselor or retention NCO to help explain a situation going on with my bonus. Basically, I re-enlisted for a reclassification bonus. Upon graduation (August 2019) I was told the paperwork was submitted. I was chosen for additional ASI training at the school house and graduated (November 2019). I am now at my unit and am the only one of my class that hasn’t received my bonus. I can’t get a straight answer on why and I’m being told to simply wait. I’ve talked to the schools S1/finance office and career counselor, units S1, finance office, Retention NCO, and Career counselor with no success. Can someone help me out?
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 4
Your original reenlisting Career Counselor may have entered your bonus information wrong, or it may have been delayed by a change in class date. Either way, your Career Counselor just needs to send up a request to release your bonus. It can take 30-60 days for it to finish processing.
SFC (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) no, no way to check up on it. It goes straight from the counselor to Division who sends it to DFAS.
SSG (Join to see)
Awesome. Thank you very much SFC. Guess I’ll just have to trust in the system and be patient. Your guidance has been very helpful.
SFC (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) if you PM me tomorrow around 1000 PST I can look up to see what the issue was and give you a more accurate answer
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