Posted on Mar 20, 2022
How can I request a specific unit when Re-enlisting?
Responses: 7
Are you airborne? Does the unit have any available slots given your projected move date? Your retention NCO is correct, you can't request a specific unit unless you have a desired skill set that the unit needs and even that doesn't promise you a slot there. The only thing Retention and Branch can do is try to get you to the location you want to go, but its the division that divvies out individuals to locations that need it.
That was never an option went I was in. You may have to go to Bde or higher retention office to see what they say.
You may request Bragg USASOC. There are several USASOC assignments there. By regulation, your contract can only say Bragg, so if something happens and you end up somewhere else, it's not a breach of contract. That being said, whatever requisition you receive is the one you will go to. There are five different requisitioning assignments for USASOC within fort Bragg: SWC, 3rd SFG, Civil Affairs BDE, 528, PSYPOS (MISO), and USASOC. You get whichever one HRC puts you on.
If you're not Airborne, a US citizen, and have a secret clearance, you're not authorized to request it.
If you're not Airborne, a US citizen, and have a secret clearance, you're not authorized to request it.
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