Posted on Jul 18, 2018
SPC Infantryman
I recently graduated from training and waiting to be processed into my unit which is currently deployed overseas. I'm eager to learn about all the opportunities I may be able to take advantage of.
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Responses: 6
SFC(P) Senior Shower And Laundry Nco
Learn everything you can! All the do’s and Dont’s. Get several years in, if you plan on staying in the. Move to a different mos that will actually benefit you in the civilian word.
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LTC Board Of Directors Chairman
Initially find a BCT to cut your teeth and get the most line experience as you can. Stay in top physical shape and you will be able to go to any NCOES school or special training course that comes up and your unit won’t be afraid to send you. Once you get trained, tabbed out and see if you have the stones to stay in the Infantry (many go into another MOS or hide in echelons above reality staff or MOS immaterial position) then you can seek a position in the special forces unit in your area. If that is not your cup of tea; work to be a TL,SL,PSG,1SG as much as possible. Diversify your experience with Infantry units (Recon, Light,Stryker,Mech) if possible along the way and when you decide to get a family and a career; evaluate your life and ensure that you can balance your Infantry expectations with your Family and Career responsibilities. You mess that up and you are of no value to yourself nor your unit. With the new DP ongoing with the NG you will find yourself gone for 3-6 months a year if you are in a deploying BCT so now your units next 3-5 yrs. once you make enough rank, identify if you can get an AGR job so you can do this thing full time but in the Guard it’s the gem of the military and above all, have fun and don’t lose sight of what is important, being a n amazing Soldier, inspirational leader and strong example of what a Warrior is by keeping your family together-career on track and military life in order always.
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SPC Erich Guenther
Your in luck that Texas has both Special Forces units as well as an Airborne Infantry unit in the National Guard. Having said that I believe they try to find recently discharged folks that had the schools already first but they do also send folks to SFAS as well as Airborne School. The TXARNG unit that is Airborne I think is somewhere near Ft. Worth or between Ft. Worth and Austin. I cannot remember. Here is the deal on that as well. The Unit 1SG of these units is going to be looking for a long term commitment if they do send you to a school like Airborne or SFAS. I believe the TXARNG also sends folks to Air Assault school but don't quote me on that because I am not sure on that part.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - B Company is in Terrell (outside and East of Dallas), D Company is in Bastrop (outside of and East of Austin)............according to their Facebook page.
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