Posted on Jan 26, 2016
How do you Become a 38G CA Functional Specialist?
If you are not aware, there is a new specialty branch being formed in Civil Affairs called 38G Functional Specialist. These MTOE slots will be reserved for those of us with civilian education and experience to perform professional skills in a combat zone. Boards are being held quarterly on 17 Feb, 18 May, and 17 Aug of FY16. Details are in MILPER message 15-403. What are your questions?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 19
Thank you sir for starting this discussion on 38G. I am also happy to field questions and/or provide information on the 38G program.
Doug Hurst
Colonel, Civil Affairs
The Institute for Military Support to Governance
U.S. Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School
Building 1-4865, Knox Street
Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28310
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Doug Hurst
Colonel, Civil Affairs
The Institute for Military Support to Governance
U.S. Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School
Building 1-4865, Knox Street
Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28310
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CPT (Join to see)
COL Douglas Hurst - Sir,
Can I get a copy of the MILPER detailing the 'new' process? email= [login to see]
Can I get a copy of the MILPER detailing the 'new' process? email= [login to see]
CPT (Join to see)
Sir, I just joined a CA unit and am interested in the 38G Track. I have been a police officer for 12 years but have a BS in psychology. Will the BS in psych meet the related education requirement for the 6H Public Safety Functional Specialty?
CPT (Join to see)
Also, has a current MILPER (2018) been published for a board? I cannot locate one.
Sir, I'm interested in possibly pursuing 38G (public health/public safety). I do not have access to MILPER 150-403 as I'm currently in civilian status. May I ask your assistance in obtaining more information?
SFC(P) (Join to see)
2LT Jason Messmer - LT Messmer, from my experience as a former unit administrator, you will need to get a DD Form 368, conditional release from your unit, and then work through your branch manager at HRC to move you from ARNG to USAR.
BG (Join to see)
2LT Messmer - I don't know why you couldn't apply to the board, get awarded the Branch and then initiate transfer to a CA unit. COL Hurst can probably say if there is anything wrong with that COA.
BG (Join to see)
2LT Jason Messmer - I am not sure about obligations to the NG, but they do need to approve our transfer so not having an obligation would certainly help. Whoop!
BG (Join to see)
2LT Jason Messmer - Jason, you can come over as an O-2, but we can't send you to CCC until you have one year TIG. You should also consider what CCC Course you want to attend. If you are set on going CA than I think it makes more sense to attend the CA CCC, not FA.
I don't know anyone who has qualified for multiple skill identifiers in 38G but that doesn't mean you can't - you could be the first!
38G is for functional specialties only. If you want to command, then you should go 38A.
I don't know anyone who has qualified for multiple skill identifiers in 38G but that doesn't mean you can't - you could be the first!
38G is for functional specialties only. If you want to command, then you should go 38A.
Sir I'm a 38A will this new branch include those that are already CA. I'm a current educator with a Ph.D.
BG (Join to see)
Our MTOEs change next Sep. to have both 38A and 38G slots. All the current 38A positions that have an ASI (such as Public Education Officer) will change to 38G. You can be both a 38A and a 38G so it behooves you to get both and have max opportunity to fill a slot.
LTC (Join to see)
Roger I have the Public Ed ASI, I'm coming out of command in March and I will definitely put in a packet. Thanks Sir
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