Responses: 14
Well....there is ineffective leadership and there is ineffective followship. Everything is about perspective. I have seen bad leaders that me as a follower made look good...and there are times I have been a bad leader or an ineffective leader. Everything is about learning. Even the best leaders have a bad day. And that is without the "fog of war" going on. I guess you deal with it as professionally as possible...it depends on the situation though. I am not one to fire someone who made a mistake (again...depends on the situation). I rather work with the person and point out (AAR) what went wrong. To me everything is about learning...but that someone has to want to learn. The "wanting" to learn is a great sign of good leadership. Experience is a huge part of it also. Sometimes a leader will need to just be there til he or she gets it right...whatever "right" is. There are always multiple ways to get a job done as well as multiple ways to lead.
Be effective at leadership.
Ineffective leaders leave a vacuum... I will fill that vacuum.
There will never be a shortage of leadership so long as any NCO I ever trained is around.
Ineffective leaders leave a vacuum... I will fill that vacuum.
There will never be a shortage of leadership so long as any NCO I ever trained is around.
Hmmm, Who is determining what is ineffective? Those he/she leads or those who lead him/her? As a young NCO I can remember my soldiers thinking I was kool ....... But my Chief saying and counseling the opposite. Who was right? My Chief of course and he mentored me, years later as a Section Chief I know some my soldiers thought I was ineffective, bottom line I wasn't there to appease them, I had a job to do and damm well did it, if I didn't i'm sure my 1SGT or OP SGT would have mentored me then also. So to answer the question, Mentorship, Leadership, setting the example to follow.
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