Posted on Feb 14, 2018
CPT Signal Officer
This has been the most frustrating thing to me since I joined the Army. The MTOEs are really messed up for Field Artillery units and I imagine they are messed up for other units as well.

For example, Field Artillery units aren't MTOEd a vehicle for the CSM, 1SG, and PSG. This means when units have them, they don't actually have the MTOEd communications equipment for it. PBO and everyone else will say "it exceeds MTOE" to get more.

XOs are not an MTOEd position but there is always a LT and vehicle holding down the position.

Another example is the CPN (WIN-T) went to a colorless core over 3 years ago now but the MTOE is only for 2x KG-175Ds. We have a loan TACLANE from the NEC and are fighting with CLSA to get a second one for ourselves because the NEC won't transfer the TACLANE.

So the question is, how do you get a MTOE modified? I have been in FA units for my nearly 7 years in the Army and the MTOE is not being fixed. In fact, it just seems to get worse.

I am aware you can do ONS to try to get equipment you need, but why not have the Army fix the authorizations to what is actually required. These things I am talking about aren't unique to one unit, they exist across formations.
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Edited 7 y ago
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Responses: 4
CSM Richard StCyr
When I was the CDID SGM we managed close to 300 different MTOEs and TDAs for the Engineer, MP and NBC Regiments. Things that usually lead to successful additions are new equipment fielding, major doctrinal changes to unit missions or the discovery of a capability gap in an existing unit mission that can not be resolved through training, or materials.
Changes to the MTOEs are expensive as they cover all units that have the same code. Talking trucks , plus the radios for the trucks and then the additional mechanics to keep them running, plus the added lines to the POL bench stock....It' s not as easy as just throwing a new truck into the mix. (insert whatever equipment item you want in there the ripple effect is the same)
The best place to start is to contact your regiments proponancy office. FA is at Ft Sill and is a part of the school house , there will also be the FA version of CDID with a COL and SGM and combat developers there that evaluate and process the recommendations and requirements before they go to big Army. They will also be able to tell you if someone is already working the issue.
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CPT Signal Officer
I have the same issue and there's no easy fix. My MTOE/TDA authorizations make no sense, but I was told by my S4 it takes a minimum of two years, and unless every unit with your same MTOE agrees to it, it won't be authorized to change. Someone in force management, acquisitions, or logistics correct me if I'm wrong.
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SSgt Dan Montague
WOW! I was arty most of my 20 year career. The Army acronyms are so different than the Marines. I am having a problem following your comment.
I will say if I am understanding you correctly, we had issues as well with our TO when it came to vehicles and comm. From when I was a jr enlisted up until I retired it was always a battle we lost.
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